We can work on HPR 232 Community Health Promotion Methods WK1-Journal

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Each week of this course, you will be reviewing and reflecting upon the national competencies for health education specialists. There are seven areas of responsibility that you will review in depth each week through your reflective journal entry.Visit the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (NCHEC) website and download a copy of the Areas of Responsibility for Health Education Specialists (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. This document is considered “The Bible” for health educators as it shows the competencies that are firmly established as the national standards for the field. All total, there are 258 sub-competencies organized into 36 competencies within seven major areas of responsibility.For Week One, you will focus on Area 1: Assess Needs, Resources and Capacity for Health Education/Promotion. This area contains seven competencies and multiple sub-competencies, which are listed in the PDF document (from 1.1 to 1.7.5). As a health educator, you will need to become proficient in these areas to obtain and retain a successful career. In your journal this week, review the Area 1 competency/sub-competency list and address the following:Your journal entry may be a PowerPoint presentation, video, screencast, or a typed document. You will submit your work through Waypoint. No APA formatting is necessary. If you use a video or screencast, please make sure you copy the link onto a Word document and then upload the document. This is reflection work and the goal is to critically look at the competencies as well as your insights and beliefs into how they fit into the health educator’s daily routine. There are no right or wrong answers; this is pure personal reflection.Purchase the answer to view it
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