We can work on How the wealthy influence policymaking

In Monday’s lesson (Lesson–How the wealthy influence policymaking) you were asked to watch three film snippets and take notes. You were also asked to explore this document which lists all of the people who registered for the ALEC conference in 2017:

http://documentedinvestigations.org/2018/03/08/revealed-names-alec-lobbyist-legislator-members/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

What kinds of corporations attended the conference? What legislators or government officials?

Report Out and Discuss
What did you learn from watching these videos? What did you learn in your exploration of the list of ALEC registrants? What is your reaction to all of this? How does it affect your thinking about the social problem process you did your participant observation on? How does it apply to any of the case studies you read about in When We Fight We Win? How do you feel about what you learned here? You must write at least one paragraph (roughly 150 words) to get credit.

After you post, read your classmates’ posts. Write a response to one other student by Friday at midnight. Please remember to be civil, generous and compassionate with one another. We don’t have to agree, but we do have to be respectful when we disagree. Asking sincere questions or sharing your own story are great ways to connect with other people.

Sample Solution

company has done a research for male customers and it shows men are also interesting in low-calorie drink but they just not accept to drink Diet Coke because they might think it’s designed for women. Later on, the company invited a new product Coca-Cola Zero, which was targeted at the male market, so the two products are very different in the market position. (Madden, 2007, cited in David and John, 2009) Conclusion The Coca-Cola Company/ Industry have covered a strong business market scale around the world. Using different market strategies and dividing the market segments to help the company to gain more profits. Moreover, the corporation (partnership) strategy and implementation provides a brief overview of Coca-Cola Company’s operation, targeting and positioning in the drink industry. In this case, although the company is running a good business, there are still some other internal (e.g. positioning) and external challenges waiting for it to achieve, for example, Pepsi is one of the closet competitors and purchases similar products. Being the biggest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage industry, the Coca-Cola Company has been running successful business with its franchising model in the world. The company is in a good position to capture the market of any new drink categories. Coca-Cola continues to expand their customers through investing new products, keeps innovating and pursuit to get better results for its business in order to catch their loyal customers throughout the world.>

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