We can work on How Gee defines Discourse with capital “D”

 Write 4000 words in the topic (How Gee defines Discourse with capital D)
– This paper should include sections:

– Introduction: write a clear introduction with a really clear topic sentence that appear in the introduction and the conclusion of this papers. Check my example in the file that I attached for discourse with little “d”, the introduction very clear and direct.

– Over view of the definitions: in this section start it by saying (In this section I will try to demonstrate Gee’s concepts of Discourse with a Big “D”, in particular the words that he uses to define it, I do this because I want to show……) , please check my file for discourse with little “d” to see how I listed the discourse with little “d” so do the same with Discourse with Big “D”. When you list the definitions make sure with date and page number very important. And all the definitions is quotations from original recourse even when Gee define Discourse with Big “D” in different pages for the same reference you have to list it here . 

– Discussion of the definitions: in this section make it clear and what you discuss here all about the definitions that already listed for Discourse with Big “D”. In particularly the words that Gee uses to define Discourse with a Big “D”. 

– Conclusion: include clear summary and topic sentence that relate to the introduction topic sentence. 

– I need 13 references for Gee’s work including the 2 references that I uploaded (2015, Discourse, small-d, Big D) and (2018, the New Work Order Behind the Language)

– The reference should be APA 6 format for incite reference and reference list.

– Make clear argument with voice of writing to show the power and every thing should consistent and clear to understand and read. All definitions that you are going to list for Discourse with Big “D” and the discussion here only for Discourse with a Big “D”.

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