We can work on How did language evolve

Describe the theory of language evolution that seems the most plausible to you in your own words. To get a more in-depth understanding of this theory, feel free to read more about it in external sources, but be sure to paraphrase it in your own words and cite the source. Then, discuss why you think this seems the most plausible theory to you? Can you provide some examples from your own observation or understanding of language to support your point?

Sample Solution

The TROVE2 functions as a conserved RNA-binding protein. The essential function towards nuclear functioning comprises of interacting with misfolded smaller cellular RNA, whereas the role of cytoplasm encompasses binding with Y RNA. Such Ro60,Y RNA, together with other proteins produces ribonucleoprotein complex (RoRNP) inside human cells. The RoRNP takes part to control the quality of non-coding RNA that are misfolded along with decisive function for survival by virtue of avoiding autoimmunity. The gene indeed binds with noncoding Y RNA thereby turn out to be accessible to autoantibodies that take part in apoptosis. This TROVE2 forms a ring with central hole, offering larger RNA binding surface with access towards generously proportioned collection of possible RNAs, together with Y RNAs, variant 5S rRNAs, along with misfolded U2 sn RNA. Ro60 is encoded by TROVE2 that remains as a ribonucleoprotein complex component with Ro52, E3 ubiquitin ligase, with the Pol-III transcriptional terminator La/SSB, along with the short noncoding Y RNAs (HY1-4). The Ro60 has domain that’s are specific towards RNA recognition for sake of Y RNAs nonetheless it binds auxiliary thereby the mis-folded RNAs interacts with another cavity. The uniqueness of these RNA species alongside with its relevance to autoimmune disease still needs to be explored [5]. E.coli, serves as the preferred choice of vector used towards cloning recombinant protein, as it can produce optimal quantity, easy to grow, can be easily handled and manipulated, easier steps of purification of products. These factors makes it superlative and preferred choice. This work attempts to clone TROVE2 transcript variant from the pBluescript Plasmid.>

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