1- Think Dignity Fresh Start Showers
Write (0.5 page): What did you do/see? What did you learn about the issue of homelessness and the work of Think Dignity? Was anything surprising to you?
2- interactive exhibits
Write (0.5 page): What did you do/see? What did you learn about the issue of homelessness? Was anything surprising to you?
3- Write(0.5 page): Pack lunches for individuals who experience homelessness (to be donated to Father Joe’s Villages), listen to music, and learn about other upcoming events
4- Write (0.5 page): How do the experiences of individuals that experience homelessness that you learned about during awareness week compare/contrast with your own life experiences? How or in what ways did Awareness Week help demystify some of your own preconceptions about homelessness?
Sample Solution
Clarke, J. (2004) Public Health Nursing in Ireland: A Critical Overview *. General Health Nursing. 21(2):191-198, Cowley, S. (1995) ‘Wellbeing as-process: a wellbeing visiting point of view’. Diary of Advanced Nursing. 22: 433-441. Division of Health and Children (2001) Primary Care: a New Direction. Accessible from: http://www.dohc.ie/productions/pdf/primcare.pdf?direct=1 Accessed 10-11-08. Division of Health and Children (2005) National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005 Dept. of Health Available from www.dohc.ie Accessed 17-11-08. Ewles, L. (2005). Key Topics in Public Health. London. Churchill Livingstone. Foxcroft, D.R., Ireland, d., Lister-Sharp, D.J. et al (2003) Longer-term essential anticipation for liquor abuse in youngsters: a deliberate audit Addiction 98 (4) 397-411. Markham, T. also, Carney, M. (2007) Public Health Nurses and the conveyance of value nursing care in the network Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 (10) 1342-1350 Poulton, B., McKenna, H., Keeney, s. et al (2006) The job of the general wellbeing medical caretaker in gathering the essential social insurance needs of single vagrants: a contextual investigation report Primary Health Care Research and Development 7 (2) : 135-146 Starfield, B. (1994) Is essential consideration fundamental The Lancet 344 1129-1133. Watkins, D., Edwards, J. and Gastrell, P. eds. (2003). Network Health Nursing: Frameworks for Practice. second ed. p.35. London, Baillière Tindall.>
Clarke, J. (2004) Public Health Nursing in Ireland: A Critical Overview *. General Health Nursing. 21(2):191-198, Cowley, S. (1995) ‘Wellbeing as-process: a wellbeing visiting point of view’. Diary of Advanced Nursing. 22: 433-441. Division of Health and Children (2001) Primary Care: a New Direction. Accessible from: http://www.dohc.ie/productions/pdf/primcare.pdf?direct=1 Accessed 10-11-08. Division of Health and Children (2005) National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005 Dept. of Health Available from www.dohc.ie Accessed 17-11-08. Ewles, L. (2005). Key Topics in Public Health. London. Churchill Livingstone. Foxcroft, D.R., Ireland, d., Lister-Sharp, D.J. et al (2003) Longer-term essential anticipation for liquor abuse in youngsters: a deliberate audit Addiction 98 (4) 397-411. Markham, T. also, Carney, M. (2007) Public Health Nurses and the conveyance of value nursing care in the network Journal of Clinical Nursing 17 (10) 1342-1350 Poulton, B., McKenna, H., Keeney, s. et al (2006) The job of the general wellbeing medical caretaker in gathering the essential social insurance needs of single vagrants: a contextual investigation report Primary Health Care Research and Development 7 (2) : 135-146 Starfield, B. (1994) Is essential consideration fundamental The Lancet 344 1129-1133. Watkins, D., Edwards, J. and Gastrell, P. eds. (2003). Network Health Nursing: Frameworks for Practice. second ed. p.35. London, Baillière Tindall.>