We can work on Homeland Security / Emergency Management

You are a senior leader of a federal agency that has just declared a disaster event that apparently has resulted in significant loss of life. You have just reviewed the response plan for your organization and are prepared to set it in motion. Noticeably absent from the plan is any treatment of how the response team should deal with the psychological challenges of dealing with significant loss of life. Produce a memo addressing this shortfall.

Sample Solution

The Ugandan case, unfortunately, has not been as remarkable. There exists a severe shortage of practitioners, especially in rural areas. Even though unemployment in the sector persists, professionals find these positions unattractive due to their conditions. During the period of 2010-2015, on average, 9% of these practitioners migrated out of Uganda (Omaswa et. Al.,4). More pressing is the fact that 89% of the migrants are young professionals under the age of 40. Over the course of the study, 192 professionals migrated, while only 71 returned to work or after studying abroad. These numbers could be especially worrying, and indicative of the lack of retention incentive in the country (Omaswa et. Al.,4). Educated individuals are attracted to efficient and modern working conditions, in areas with progressive institutions and infrastructure. The absence of these exacerbates the problems associated with brain drain. Not only are less people immigrating to these countries, but their top talent is leaving with no incentive to come back. The second area of impact is remittances —the sums of money, compensation and transfers that migrants send back to their families in their home countries. They form a large portion of the economic benefits offered by emigration. In 2017 alone, migrants had sent $466 billion back to their origin countries as remittances (World Bank). However, whether these remittances actually contribute to economic growth or not, is a separate matter altogether.>

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