We can work on Hofstra University Issues of Elections for the Presidency Discussion – Assignment Help

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Reflection Paper

The first assignment requires that students submit a four-page (title page, two pages of narrative, and references) reflection paper. The abovementioned reflection paper will be submitted four times during the course of the semester. A reflection paper describes students’ intellectual and emotional reaction/s to a specific topic presented in the required readings, classroom lectures, experiential exercises and videotapes. This assignment is due at the beginning of the class. Due dates for these assignments are included in the course syllabus. Please see page 19 of the course syllabus for detailed guidelines to follow in completing this assignment.


The first assignment requires that students submit four times during the course of the semester a reflection paper. The reflection paper must describe students’ intellectual and emotional reaction/s to topics presented in the required readings, classroom lectures, experiential exercises and/or videotapes. This assignment is due at the beginning of the class. You will lose five points per day for each day that the class meets. Due dates for these assignments are included in the course syllabus.

Reflection Paper Writing Guidelines

A reflective writing paper describes your intellectual and emotional reaction to topics presented in any of the course material. Do not give me a synopsis of the material.

1. The title page should reflect APA Publication manual standards. The reflective writing paper should be four pages in length. Please put on the reflection papers your name, date, and number. Reflection papers are submitted at the beginning of class on the assigned due date.

3. The paper should indicate that you have thought critically (intellectual reaction/s) about whether the material (readings, lectures, videotapes, experiential exercises, etc.,) has helped you to identify and challenge some of your attitudes, values, beliefs and prejudices about people who may have different social identities. In particular, describe how the material expands your understanding of the way/s in which systems of privilege and oppression function in contemporary society.

2. The paper also should describe any affective response(s) (emotional reaction/s) that you may experience as a result of being exposed to any of the material in the course. In particular, describe what impact you’re the material may or may not have on your current, attitudes, values, beliefs, prejudices and your social work practice.

The subject is How was the competition for the presidency of the United States of America, starting with dialogue between the two candidates, without bias towards any candidate without any precise details, as you know, I am not a US citizen

Is this question part of your assignment?

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