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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Concerning articles written about US intervention in Libya in 2011, determine the political affiliation or bias if detected of the author or publication for at least three articles. What were the author’s reasons, arguments, or justifications for and against the intervention (cite the main ones)? Why was it a mistake or why was it a good idea? Lastly, based on THEIR analysis or justification, for all three articles, do YOU accept their thesis as valid or invalid? Did the authors change your mind, or reinforce your position?

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Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements

Concerning articles written about US intervention in Libya in 2011, determine the political affiliation or bias if detected of the author or publication for at least three articles. What were the author’s reasons, arguments, or justifications for and against the intervention (cite the main ones)? Why was it a mistake or why was it a good idea? Lastly, based on THEIR analysis or justification, for all three articles, do YOU accept their thesis as valid or invalid? Did the authors change your mind, or reinforce your position?

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