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History 130 Instructions for prompt based on Discovering the Medieval Past (DMP) Chapter 5

Length: at least 1500 words

Note: all material from the primary sources needs to be in in your own words (paraphrased) or in quotes. Avoid using too many quotations—you need to be able to put in your own words what the source is saying. This is KEY!!!! Remember what the “Star Wars” video said about quoting. If you would like some more information on quoting vs. paraphrasing, you might find this helpful: https://dept.writing.wisc.edu/wac/acknowledging-pa…

Essay prompt:

Based on the information in Discovering the Medieval Past (DMP) Chapter 5, answer the following two questions:

1. What impressions (perceptions/stereotypes) did Christians and Muslims have of each other?

2. How might those perceptions and stereotypes have influenced the ways in which Christians and Muslims chose to deal with one another?

How to go about the assignment:

First, read all of chapter 5 carefully. You will notice that it is divided up into four sections. These four sections help you think about the way in which you will answer the two questions above as you are writing your essay.

Chapter 5, Section 1: Introduction and The Problem (pp. 94-97)

This section of Chapter 5 gives you key background information on understanding the chapter as a whole. Use it to get the “big picture.”

Chapter 5, Section 2: Sources and Methods

This section of Chapter 5 explains the nature of the primary sources you will see in Section 3. It tells you information about the authors and their background, in order to help you understand “where they are coming from.” Make sure you understand what is meant by the “note of caution” on p. 97. I found it helpful to jot down notes from this section for each of the sources to think about before you read the actual sources.

Chapter 5, Section 3: Evidence

This is the heart of the chapter. It contains the actual primary sources you will use and interpret in order to answer the essay prompts. All the other sections are included simply to aid you in interpreting these five accounts (three from the Muslim point of view, two from the Christian point of view). You may wish to make a list of adjectives for each source as described on p. 98 for your notes.

Chapter 5, Section 4: Questions to consider

Here is where you will need to pay special attention to the questions asked, as they are intended to guide you along as you answer the two main questions. Note how they come in two groups of related questions: Muslim and Christian.

Chapter 5, Section 5: Epilogue

Make sure you read this section, but do keep in mind that this section does not give you your conclusion for your essay—you have to come up with that yourself. It does give you a long-term idea of how Muslim-Christian relations evolved over the centuries since the period under consideration in this chapter.

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