We can work on HIM Technician

Database Administrator

Primary Job Functions

Job Outlook (expected growth)

Approximate number of jobs in the field

Educational requirements and qualities to possess for the job

Step 2: Visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook webpage https://www.bls.gov/ooh. Look up the description for the following job titles and enter the information in the Table you created in Step 1:

Database Administrator
Medical Records/Health Information Technician
Step 3: Finally, compare and contrast the job functions listed for these titles. Using complete paragraphs or another table if you like, identify and highlight differences you see in the job functions and then identify and highlight similarities you note in the job functions.

Sample Solution

technology system that could improve driver information, traffic management and road safety. As Alastair Scrutton, a journalist from Reuters puts it ‘If you want a slice of peace and stability in a country with a reputation for violence and chaos, try Pakistan’s M2 motorway. At times foreign reporters need to a give a nation a rest from their instinctive cynicism. I feel like that with Pakistan each time I whizz along the M2 between Islamabad and Lahore, the only motorway I know that inspires me to write. Indeed, for sheer spotlessness, efficiency and emptiness there is nothing like the M2 in the rest of South Asia. There are many things in Pakistan that don’t get into the news. Daily life, for one. Pakistani hospitality to strangers, foreigners like myself included, is another. The M2 is another sign that all is not what it appears in Pakistan that much lies hidden behind the bad news. There have been various connotations associated with the Motorways. For once, the special highway police are considered incorruptible. For supporters of the project, it shows the potential of Pakistan. Its detractors say it was a waste of money, a white elephant that was a grandiose plaything for the then government. A relatively expensive toll means it is a motorway for the privileged. All these questions were kept in mind while preparing a questionnaire, and sending it to motorways users, in order to assess the public value component which I would discuss later. So after all this discussion about the motorways and the inter related organizations, it seems that not only public value has been created by this project but it apparently will continue to be sustained as all the stakeholders including consumers, government, organizations and employees have managed to create an island of excellence within Pakistan. The hypothesis is also supported by the responses r>

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