Filling out the personality inventory on that person, and writing a short reflection paper.The reflection paper will report the score for each of the personality factors. Under each score, use 2 bullet points to justify that score (cite a specific verse to support the claim). Under the bullet points, please identify how confident (on a scale of 1 -10) you are with your ratings with 1 being not at all confident and 10 being very confident. There will be times that the bible story does not give any idea for a specific category. When this happens, please still fill out what you imagine it would be in the questionnaire. In the bullet points, just explain why you imagine the character this way.
Sample Solution
The discussion with respect to morals in Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) has been a well known contention that has been in the features for a long time now. Be that as it may, the inquiries still remain; is PAS moral, and should more states embrace these laws? Or on the other hand is PAS an infringement of non-evil and helpfulness? There is no correct responses to these troublesome inquiries, be that as it may, doctors and medical caretakers have ended up trapped in the crossfire between the two contentions of should PAS be permitted or illegal. On one side of the contention there are the individuals that accept people ought to have the option to settle on their own decisions with regards to death and biting the dust; six states concur, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California, and Colorado. Inside these states people that have been determined to have a terminal disease have the decision to end their own life by PAS or to allow the to ailment advance and in the long run end their life. These states enable a doctor to endorse deadly medicates with directions on the most proficient method to utilize them. Be that as it may, the doctor can’t give a deadly infusion as this would be viewed as murder. (Kaplan, Porter, 2016) The World Health Organization (WHO) states, “having the option to carry on with an existence with poise comes from the regard of essential human rights including self-sufficiency and self-assurance.” (, 2015) Therefore, this gathering of individuals accept, that people who are skilled and completely mindful of their wellbeing and the situation in which they are in, ought to have the option to decide to end their very own life on their terms and not the particulars of the sickness. On the opposite side of the discussion are the people that accept that PAS ought not occur. They accept this demonstration could be murder and is an immediate infringement of the code wherein doctors and medical caretakers must comply with. The code expresses that social insurance suppliers must “do great” and “do no mischief,” and that human services suppliers ought not help their patients to end it all. The majority of the gatherings that reject PAS are church bunches that trust God ought to be responsible for when, how, and where an individual bites the dust. In the article, The Ethics of Assisted Suicide by Nursing Times, it states, “⦠with the ascent of sorted out religion the act of helped suicide was dismissed, sacredness of human life being refered to as the explanation: what God has given, no one but God can remove.” (, n.d.) The article proceeds to state this is never again acknowledged in our general public. The American Nurses Association (ANA) makes the job of the medical caretaker clear, it expresses that in the past the job of the attendant has been to advance, save, and secure human life and an attendant doesn’t act intentionally to end the life of any individual. (, 2003) As an ever increasing number of states embrace laws ensuring PAS the ANA might be compelled to reevaluate and be progressively strong of when and how the patient might want to kick the bucket. As should be obvious this issue places doctors and medical attendants in a serious bind. Doctors and medical attendants are encouraged that the patient has the appropriate for self-governance, and they reserve the privilege to settle on their own choices with regards to their consideration. In any case, if doctors somehow happened to enable at death’s door patients to end it all it could likewise abuse the moral standards of non-wrathfulness and advantage. While trying to understand this difficulty, there are two or three arrangements recorded with the ANA that could be applied to the instance of an at death’s door persistent needing PAS. Arrangement 1 expresses, “The medical attendant practices with empathy and regard for intrinsic pride, worth and one of a kind traits of each individual.” This arrangement gives the patient the privilege to self-assurance, which ought to incorporate the privilege to kick the bucket on their terms and not the conditions of their infection. Arrangement 3 expresses, “The medical caretaker advances, advocates for, and secures the rights, wellbeing, and security of the patient.” If the in critical condition persistent wouldn’t like to draw out their torment and languishing the attendant should advocate over the patient and their desires. Some other potential arrangements in settling this discussion may incorporate having more laws administering the procedure, and to give comfort estimates, for example, analgesics and enable the sickness to follow all the way through. Doctor Assisted Suicide may affect the consideration the patient gets from the medical caretaker in the accompanying circumstances: ⢠If the attendant can’t remain un-critical toward the patient. For this situation an alternate medical caretaker ought to be alloted. ⢠“While there might be singular patient cases that are convincing, there is high potential for maltreatment with helped suicide, especially with powerless populaces, for example, the old, poor and crippled. These possible maltreatment are considerably progressively plausible in a period of declining assets. The accessibility of helped suicide could forseeably debilitate the objective of giving quality consideration to the withering.” (, n.d.) A few factors that may affect PAS incorporate the reality the doctors might be confounded about their job all the while. They might be apprehensive they might be accused of causing demise, deserting the patient, and leaving them defenseless against suit. A few doctors may fall back on retaining essential liquids and nourishment in dread of these results. (Ashley, Stanley W., 2018) However, by utilizing this strategy it could take a long time for the patient to kick the bucket and may bring on additional torment and languishing over the patient and the family. I’m certain that I will experience PAS in my future nursing profession and no case will be actually the equivalent. When and on the off chance that I am tested with this circumstance I realize I will listen eagerly to the patient and their family, furnish them with great sources about their sickness and what they can expect, advocate for them guaranteeing this is their choice and was not affected by another, and regard their desires. PAS is a questionable issue and every single case will be altogether different relying upon the patient’s needs and needs. Doctors and medical caretakers should be extremely cautious and know the state laws where they work while supporting for their patients to guarantee they are getting legitimate consideration.>
The discussion with respect to morals in Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) has been a well known contention that has been in the features for a long time now. Be that as it may, the inquiries still remain; is PAS moral, and should more states embrace these laws? Or on the other hand is PAS an infringement of non-evil and helpfulness? There is no correct responses to these troublesome inquiries, be that as it may, doctors and medical caretakers have ended up trapped in the crossfire between the two contentions of should PAS be permitted or illegal. On one side of the contention there are the individuals that accept people ought to have the option to settle on their own decisions with regards to death and biting the dust; six states concur, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Vermont, California, and Colorado. Inside these states people that have been determined to have a terminal disease have the decision to end their own life by PAS or to allow the to ailment advance and in the long run end their life. These states enable a doctor to endorse deadly medicates with directions on the most proficient method to utilize them. Be that as it may, the doctor can’t give a deadly infusion as this would be viewed as murder. (Kaplan, Porter, 2016) The World Health Organization (WHO) states, “having the option to carry on with an existence with poise comes from the regard of essential human rights including self-sufficiency and self-assurance.” (, 2015) Therefore, this gathering of individuals accept, that people who are skilled and completely mindful of their wellbeing and the situation in which they are in, ought to have the option to decide to end their very own life on their terms and not the particulars of the sickness. On the opposite side of the discussion are the people that accept that PAS ought not occur. They accept this demonstration could be murder and is an immediate infringement of the code wherein doctors and medical caretakers must comply with. The code expresses that social insurance suppliers must “do great” and “do no mischief,” and that human services suppliers ought not help their patients to end it all. The majority of the gatherings that reject PAS are church bunches that trust God ought to be responsible for when, how, and where an individual bites the dust. In the article, The Ethics of Assisted Suicide by Nursing Times, it states, “⦠with the ascent of sorted out religion the act of helped suicide was dismissed, sacredness of human life being refered to as the explanation: what God has given, no one but God can remove.” (, n.d.) The article proceeds to state this is never again acknowledged in our general public. The American Nurses Association (ANA) makes the job of the medical caretaker clear, it expresses that in the past the job of the attendant has been to advance, save, and secure human life and an attendant doesn’t act intentionally to end the life of any individual. (, 2003) As an ever increasing number of states embrace laws ensuring PAS the ANA might be compelled to reevaluate and be progressively strong of when and how the patient might want to kick the bucket. As should be obvious this issue places doctors and medical attendants in a serious bind. Doctors and medical attendants are encouraged that the patient has the appropriate for self-governance, and they reserve the privilege to settle on their own choices with regards to their consideration. In any case, if doctors somehow happened to enable at death’s door patients to end it all it could likewise abuse the moral standards of non-wrathfulness and advantage. While trying to understand this difficulty, there are two or three arrangements recorded with the ANA that could be applied to the instance of an at death’s door persistent needing PAS. Arrangement 1 expresses, “The medical attendant practices with empathy and regard for intrinsic pride, worth and one of a kind traits of each individual.” This arrangement gives the patient the privilege to self-assurance, which ought to incorporate the privilege to kick the bucket on their terms and not the conditions of their infection. Arrangement 3 expresses, “The medical caretaker advances, advocates for, and secures the rights, wellbeing, and security of the patient.” If the in critical condition persistent wouldn’t like to draw out their torment and languishing the attendant should advocate over the patient and their desires. Some other potential arrangements in settling this discussion may incorporate having more laws administering the procedure, and to give comfort estimates, for example, analgesics and enable the sickness to follow all the way through. Doctor Assisted Suicide may affect the consideration the patient gets from the medical caretaker in the accompanying circumstances: ⢠If the attendant can’t remain un-critical toward the patient. For this situation an alternate medical caretaker ought to be alloted. ⢠“While there might be singular patient cases that are convincing, there is high potential for maltreatment with helped suicide, especially with powerless populaces, for example, the old, poor and crippled. These possible maltreatment are considerably progressively plausible in a period of declining assets. The accessibility of helped suicide could forseeably debilitate the objective of giving quality consideration to the withering.” (, n.d.) A few factors that may affect PAS incorporate the reality the doctors might be confounded about their job all the while. They might be apprehensive they might be accused of causing demise, deserting the patient, and leaving them defenseless against suit. A few doctors may fall back on retaining essential liquids and nourishment in dread of these results. (Ashley, Stanley W., 2018) However, by utilizing this strategy it could take a long time for the patient to kick the bucket and may bring on additional torment and languishing over the patient and the family. I’m certain that I will experience PAS in my future nursing profession and no case will be actually the equivalent. When and on the off chance that I am tested with this circumstance I realize I will listen eagerly to the patient and their family, furnish them with great sources about their sickness and what they can expect, advocate for them guaranteeing this is their choice and was not affected by another, and regard their desires. PAS is a questionable issue and every single case will be altogether different relying upon the patient’s needs and needs. Doctors and medical caretakers should be extremely cautious and know the state laws where they work while supporting for their patients to guarantee they are getting legitimate consideration.>