We can work on Heat Loss and Gain

When the winter design temperature is below 60ºF, the International Residential Code requires a dwelling to
have heating facilities capable of maintaining a minimum room temperature of 68ºF in habitable rooms.
Portable space heaters cannot be used to meet this requirement. A permanent heating system must be
In buildings we refer to heat flow in a number of different ways. The most common reference is the R-value, or
the resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value of a material, the more it will restrict heat loss or gain. Ufactor (sometimes referred to as U-value) is a measure of the flow of heat (thermal transmittance) through a
material, given a difference in temperature on either side. In the inch-pound (I-P) system, the U-factor is the
number of Btus (British Thermal Units) of energy passing through a square foot of the material in an hour for
every degree Fahrenheit difference in temperature across the material (Btu/ft2hr°F or BtuH). In metric, the Ufactor is usually given in watts per square meter per degree Celsius (w/m2°C).
Calculations of heat loss are made to determine whether a proposed heating (or cooling system) is adequate to
supply and maintain the desired temperature within a structure as specified by code. These calculations are
also used to estimate the annual heating or cooling costs of a system.
● Use the 99.6% percent values from Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code or from the NOAA
Engineering Design Data publication (https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/data-access/land-based-station-data/datapublications). Alternatively, you may use a design temperature that reflects local climate or local weather
experience as determined by the building official.
● The International Residential Code requirements/rule of thumb for a new house with good insulation is 1.25
watts per cu. ft. or 4.25 Btu per cu. ft.
● Important conversion information:
● Watts x 3.21 = Btu/hr
● Btu/hr x .2931 = Watts
Heat Loss from the Utility Shed
You will calculate the total heat transmission load measured in Btu/H for the Utility Shed shown in Drawing A1.
Assume the following:
● For this exam the floor will be ignored
● One double door, 72in. x 7ft
● Two single-glazed windows, 2ft x 4ft
● Desired inside temperature of 70°F
● Outside winter design temperature taken as the 99% value (refer to Table 4.6 Page 110, Weather Data Sheet
provided, International Plumbing Code, or local data reports)
● Location: Syracuse, NY.
Calculate the total R-value for each surface including the four walls, the door, the windows, and the ceiling/roof
structure. Use the R-value chart provided to find the R-value for the individual layers within the wall. Drawing
A1 shows the different layers that comprise the wall and ceiling/roof. Include an inside air film layer.

Sample Solution

Why People Should Not Be Allowed to Keep Exotic Animals as Pets GuidesorSubmit my paper for examination polar bear petWild nature is home for countless species, a significant number of which are intriguing as well as near termination. All through late decades, mankind has put forth a strong attempt so as to forestall the elimination of these creatures, secure the territory of these species, and some way or another limit the negative results of the nearness of people. In any case, there is another issue that has not been given enough consideration to—this issue is keeping fascinating creatures as pets. In spite of the fact that proprietors of extraordinary creatures may accept they are not doing anything terrible, in actuality such a training ought to be denied because of various reasons. Basically nobody, aside from maybe the most extravagant individuals, can give a wild creature all its fundamental conditions. Outlandish creatures have one of a kind needs. For instance, wild tigers need a huge region to wander around in. A venomous Monocled cobra, which can be lawfully purchased in various states for a diminutive $100, will over and again strike when feeling in harm’s way. A wildcat can chase a prey multiple times greater than itself. Chimpanzees and different primates require a great deal of room for climbing, and ocean well evolved creatures need tremendous water bowls to swim uninhibitedly. The models are various. These necessities require explicit living conditions—or if nothing else lodging structures. Will a normal American resident bear the cost of keeping an extraordinary pet? For a year or two, yet for 25 or 50 years? Only for a model, the yearly expense of keeping a tiger (in a confine) approaches $6,000. Plainly, being a manager of a wild creature is past the abilities of a normal resident (National Geographic). Your paper is practically all set? Let a specialist have a last perused your paper before giving it in. The Sure Way to Getting a Higher Grade. SEE YOUR GRADE BEFORE Turning in YOUR PAPER. FREE EXPERT HELP In the event that the past passage didn’t convince you, think about the threat of organic pollution. As indicated by various assessments, at any rate one of every three reptiles (which are among the most well known fascinating pets—iguanas, for instance) is a host for salmonella and shigella microbes; the general rate with salmonella is likely up to 90 percent. As per information gave by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 90 percent of imported green iguanas convey new strains of intestinal microscopic organisms. Different species are not more secure. Around 25 percent of both imported and locally reared macaques are accounted for to have had the herpes B infection. Among different sicknesses conveyed and shipped by wild creatures, one should specify such diseases as chlamydia, yaba infection, giardia, tuberculosis, measles, marburg infection, hepatitis A, campylobacteriosis, rabies, streptothricosis, and a ton of different malevolent microorganisms, including worms (ASPCA). What’s more, wild creatures can represent a direct physical risk to their proprietors. During the most recent 10 years, there have been many assaults submitted by hostage huge felines, for example, lions and tigers; in perhaps the saddest occurrence, a tiger slaughtered a three-year-old kid, who was its gatekeeper’s grandson. For another situation, a Bengal tiger has gnawed off an arm of a four-year-old kid. Since the start of the century, four individuals were pursued down (and slaughtered) by wolf crossovers. This isn’t to make reference to the situations when wild creatures assaulted other tamed pets—felines, hounds, etc (PETA). Alongside notable natural issues, for example, the annihilation of species, or the obliteration of rainforests, there is additionally another critical issue: individuals will in general keep outlandish wild creatures as pets. This is a terrible practice, since wild creatures require novel conditions that a normal American can’t bear; fascinating creatures convey and transmit colorful infections, which can represent a risk to proprietors; and there were various episodes when a spellbound wild creature assaulted its proprietor, or individuals from their families. This is strong verification for the case that wild fascinating creatures ought not be kept as pets. References “Wild at Home: Exotic Animals as Pets.” Nat Geo WILD. N.p., 03 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Aug. 2015. “Fascinating Animals as Pets.” ASPCA. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2015. “Intriguing Animals as ‘Pets’” PETA. N.p., n.d.>

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