Read Chapters 1–3 of Essentials of Health Policy and Law (Textbook: Third Edition by Joel B. Teitebaum and Sara E. Wilensky).
Read the article Implementing Health Reform: Federal Rules and State Roles.
View the video What is Rulemaking?
Explore the website Regulations.gov. Be sure to explore the Search, Browse, and Learn tabs.
Examine the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) agencies in Table 2-4 in Chapter 2 of the text.
Choose one of the agencies to review in-depth.
Prepare a three- to five-page paper which addresses the following:
Identify the purpose structure of the agency.
Describe the organization of the agency, including the purpose each office (as appropriate).
Identify and include the key leadership positions in the agency.
Outline the policy areas which fall under the purview of the agency and therefore, they regulate. (Clarify its relationship to healthcare, if necessary.)
Provide an example of a regulation developed by or under development by the agency. If the regulation is in the rule-making process, include its current stage of development. You will find the regulations.gov website very helpful in addressing this requirement.
Explain the potential impact of the regulation on the healthcare industry or population.
Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
Read the assignment instructions and grading rubric carefully.
Check the content for spelling and the proper use of grammar and APA citation.

Sample Solution

In 2015, Senator Bernie Sanders wrote an opinion editorial for the popular newspaper, The Washington Post, on the need of change in higher education in America. During this time Sanders was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Many of the democratic candidates, including Sanders, were pushing for free college in their campaign. Sanders’ campaign in particular drew attention from many young voters due to his ambitious proposals like free college and Medicare for all. Considering this, Sanders’ piece with The Washington Post could be seen as biased. He could have been wanting the support and votes from the young people, rather than him actually standing behind and believing in the need for changes in higher education. Nevertheless, his piece was still greatly relevant because like Sanders’ stated, “the national student loan debt is continuing to increase every year.” Sanders’ main claim is that the rising cost of high education is making it harder and harder for Americans to get the education they are striving for. Instead of using numbers and graphs like most do to support their claims, Sanders used history and examples to make the audience visualize the issue. In one instance, he described how much has changed for ordinary Americans to get the education they want and need: “In 1978, it was possible to earn enough money to pay for a year of college tuition just by working a summer job that paid minimum wage. Today, it would take a minimum wage worker an entire year to earn enough to cover the annual in-state tuition at a public university.” This backs up Sanders’ warrant of why so many bright young adults are not able to go to college, do not finish, or graduate deeply in debt. Throughout his editorial, Sanders wants the audience to remember how “educational is essential for personal and national well-being,” since we live in such a comp>

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