

Nola Pender J is the theorist


Concept analysis is an approach used to clarify the meanings of terms and to define terms (concepts) so that writers and readers share a common language. Concept analysis should be conducted when concepts require further clarification or development. A method commonly seen is the Walker and Avant method.

Take a single concept fromNola Pender’s HEALTH PROMOTION THEORYand conduct a concept analysis using the eight steps as outlined by Walker and Avant and used in the Dugger (PDF) (Links to an external site.)article. There is no page requirement for this assignment; address each of the steps in the amount needed to discuss each item.

Select a concept.
Determine the aims of the concept.
Identify all uses of the concept possible.
Determine the defining attributes.
Identify model case.
Identify borderline, related, contrary, invented, and illegitimate cases.
Identify antecedents and consequences.
Define empirical referents.

Walker, L.O., & Avant, K., (2005). Strategies for theory construction in nursing (4thed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


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