We can work on Health Care in other Countries

Select a country or an area of the world outside of the United States that you are interested in. the country selected is the Bahamas
Answer the following:
How will you identify the status of health care system in that particular country, its major health issues, and which international health organization provides health care in that country?
How will you determine the role of primary health care and the role of community health nurse in that country?

Sample Solution

efore the UN General Assembly for an early solution of the Kashmir problem in the light of the Security Council resolutions. When the Indo-Pakistan war began in December 1971, the Turkish Premier, Nihat Erim, called for the immediate withdrawal of Indian troops. In June 1972, the President of Pakistan, Mr Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, paid a visit to Turkey. In a joint statement issued after his talks with the Turkish President Cevdet Sunay, the two leaders expressed the hope that the planned summit between the Pakistani President and the Indian Premier would lead a durable and honorable settlement of dispute between their two countries. On 4 October 1972, the Turkish Foreign Minister, in a speech before the UN General Assembly, made a strong plea for the release of Pakistani prisoners of war in India since December 1971 (Ali, 2001). Chapter 2: Pakistan-Turkey Relations in Economic, Trade and Investment Sectors (1947-1979) In the mid-fifties, Pakistan made a small volume of trade with the Baghdad pact countries and with some other Middle Eastern countries, such as Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain. After that in the late fifties, between the Baghdad Pact countries, Iran’s trade with Pakistan was the largest of all, with Iraq and Turkey occupying the second and third respectively. Visit of Turkish Trade Team in Pakistan 1959 However, by the beginning of the sixties, Pakistan and Turkey began searching for avenues of expanding trade. A Turkish trade team visited Karachi in October 1959 and in a joint communiqu?? announced that there were ‘possibilities of development of trade’ between Pakistan and Turkey and further o>

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