We can work on Health Care Analysis

The patient we assessed and for whom developed a care plan was a female aged 40 years old. Patient is a
dialysis patient however her current chief complaint was acute pain on her lower abdomen. She said that she
had had this problem for some years. On questioning her, she revealed to me that she had been using oral
contraceptive pills since she was 25 years old, but she stopped using them a few years ago. She also revealed
that she lost some weight when she stopped using the pills and she somehow feels good about it. Her major
concern was the excruciating pain that she has been enduring some days before and during her menses.
Previously, she has used acetaminophen and ibuprofen to manage her pain. Other symptoms that she
indicated included diarrhea, nausea, bloating and increased gases in her stomach during her menstruation. We
decided to do a full body examination. We did not find anything abnormal with her based on the findings.
From the palpation of the lower abdominal region, we never observed any tenderness. Neither were there any
palpated masses when we did a bimanual palpation. We suggested that she takes a test for STIs but she
objected the suggestion citing that she had taken one a month ago. Her primary diagnosis revealed
dysmenorrhea and the differential diagnosis included adenomyosis, endometriosis, adhesions, and uterine
fibroids (Casanova, 2018). In order to rule out possibilities of secondary causes of dysmenorrhea, a
transvaginal ultrasound was recommended for this patient and a follow up visit to the gynecologist. We also
educated her that a combination of oral contraceptives would be useful in managing symptoms of
dysmenorrhea, and this is why she started experiencing pain when she stopped using the pills (DeCherney,
2019). We advised her to take regular exercises and avoid anything that might stress her. Ensuring adequate
hydration and high intake of fibers could also help in the symptomatic management of her condition.
Additionally, a combination of TENS and tropical heat therapies could also be effective in managing this
condition (Conti, 2020). The patient had a choice to make between taking pharmacological or nonpharmacological therapies for her condition and she was advised to call back in case she changed her mind.
The clinical experience I acquired from this week was instrumental in making me have more confident as a
future nurse practitioner. I learned important aspects of developing independent care plans. I also acquired
useful experiences that will help me to establish alternative and complementary therapies could be
administered for patients suffering from acute dysmenorrhea. Besides the pharmacological interventions, I also
learned other non-pharmacological therapies that can be given to patients who are diagnosed with
Casanova, R. (2018). Beckmann and Ling’s obstetrics and gynecology (8th ed.). New York, NY: LWW.
Conti, J., Ruiz, D., & Cho, M. (2020). The vagina book: An owner’s manual for taking care of your down there
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(1st ed.). London, UK: Chronicle Books.
DeCherney, A., Roman, A., Nathan, L., & Laufer, N. (2019). Current diagnosis & treatment obstetrics &
gynecology (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education / Medical.

Sample Solution

Socialism is one of the best political impacts of other political idea in the twentieth century world. The significant and intriguing part of socialism lies in its experience, idea, and why numerous nations apply to this view. This article centers around setting, belief system, and why nations and ideological groups apply this way of thinking. Socialism didn’t exist until the eighteenth century. The possibility of ​​Communism was conceived from the British Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution in France. There are two fundamental sorts of network networks, networks characterized by topographically characterized networks and geologically various factors. Instances of geologically characterized networks are networks or local locations. The accumulated houses share a typical space. Nearby economies and local organizations are likewise viewed as a major aspect of the neighboring network. Individuals from the network are invested individuals in network wellbeing, and I am keen on this The foundation of public security has been found in nearby networks. There are two sorts of networks. These are domains and affiliations. The previous alludes to a gathering of individuals living in explicit regions close to urban areas and towns and the last for sure is shared and advanced and supported regular interests despite the fact that they are scattered and away in a few urban communities and nations It alludes to a gathering of individuals to do. Instances of the last incorporate graduated class affiliations and professional gatherings. Since the start of development, all human gatherings have consistently taken two structures. Network and Society The people group the world over need to make individual discussions in broad daylight places without conversing with the entire society. It is a discussion, it makes network awareness, not different things. The expected vitality of messages in these discussions influences the entire society. Cypherpunks encouraged us this.Effective correspondence is critical to the achievement of any business association. Since the world is turning into a worldwide town, compelling correspondence is essential inside and outside the association. Nonetheless, on account of the enormous size of the association and the high association structure, it is hard to get data. This makes limits inside for different divisions inside the association and remotely for clients. So as to conquer this “situation”, in the video “message” Professor Chip Heath stressed the significance of passing on data, yet additionally zeroing in on disclosing how to explain it . The significance of oral correspondence and the significance of oral correspondence The significance of verbal correspondence: When the vast majority talk about oral correspondence, they allude to discourse and discourse. On account of the online correspondence channel, record correspondence turns out to be progressively normal, and representatives in numerous regions every so often make oral reports. Numerous individuals are stressed over giving a discourse. Notwithstanding, verbal correspondence likewise incorporates correspondence with different representatives and bosses. This sort of correspondence is significant in present day workplaces. Office depends more on email and text correspondence than any time in recent memory, however these correspondence channels are not as quick and verbal as verbal conversation. Zeroing in on oral correspondence assists workers with increasing a bit of leeway. A few extra arrangements will assist you with benefiting as much as possible from the open doors individuals talk. Numerous significant focal point of the correspondence cycle is seeing compelling correspondence. Notwithstanding, there are numerous correspondence measures that are made out of numerous significant components and that give normal formal and casual ways at significant clinical foundations. The fundamental substance of correspondence is separated into three primary components. These are components that include measures or secluded occasions, investment of at any rate two individuals, and trade of individual data. The correspondence field I am generally intrigued by is powerful correspondence. I believe this is the most usually utilized field of correspondence in our general public. It is to persuade your teacher to give your folks an extra ‘A’ point whether your folks are to cause you to accept that you have to go to Cancun to spend the spring get-away Regardless of whether. This specific correspondence field is the region that I am generally keen on. I don’t have a clue what number of relational connections, life, influence, and wellbeing correspondence are utilized in our every day life. I found that each of these was especially intriguing to me. In the above site, you can quickly know insights regarding relationship, life cycle, influential force, and sound correspondence.>

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