We can work on Health and Nutrition

A. Explain how menu planning and budgeting can work together to help you create nutritious meals within your
price range.
B. List and explain at least four specific ways in which the “Nutrition Facts” panel found on food labels helps
consumers make healthful choices when shopping for food.
C. List and describe the four key parts of the network that makes food available to consumers in the U.S. and

Sample Solution

Chapter two is about the method which was used for this research. The method contains the research design, the instruments used to collect data, the population and sampling method, the data collection method, the data analysis and the ethical considerations are described. Section 2.1 Research design The research design that was used to answer the problem statement is a descriptive research design. Descriptive research answers questions such as what, where, when, who and how. It can be used to get to know characteristics of persons, groups and determine the frequency how often the same situation happens. At first, the researcher wants to apply quantitative descriptive research. The researcher wants to implement online surveys to get to know the demographic, socioeconomic and psychographic variables of the action supporters. Doing this, the researcher needs to take the privacy law into account that has changed 25th of May 2018. (Dulock, 1993) After implementing the online surveys, the researcher wants to rewrite the email that will be send to the action supporters after supporting a fundraise action. The e-mail will be send to the reachable action supporters to see how they respond on War Child. This will be an action  reaction research. Section 2.2 Instrument The instrument that was used for the data collection for this research is quantitative research. The instrument that was chosen is an online survey. The online survey will help to get to know the demographic, socioeconomic and psychographic variables of the action supporters. The online survey can be found in Appendix 1. Applying the online survey on the action supporters, the new Privacy law needs to take into consideration. The online survey was conducted around the action supporters of War Child. This method was chosen because the researcher wanted to know more about the demographic, socioeconomic and psychographic variables of the action supporters. Getting the results back, the variables and intentions of the supporters need to be clear. The survey consisted of different multiple choice questions about the age, degree, employment stage, income, interests and charitable giving.>

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