We can work on he primary purpose of this quantitative research study was to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention to decrease medication errors in a hospital

For this Assignment, review the Research Methods and Findings of the Verweij study conducted in 2014 in this weeks resources. The primary purpose of this quantitative research study was to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention to decrease medication errors in a hospital. The citation and discussion/conclusion information is intentionally deleted so you can draw your own conclusions.

In a 2- to 3-page, double-spaced paper, describe three conclusions you have drawn from the findings in this study, taking into consideration the limitations of the study. Next describe three implications for clinical practice. Once you have submitted the assignment, you will be given the full article for review.

Refer to the Academic Writing Expectations (AWE) Checklist document and use the Walden template from this weeks resources. No abstract or reference list is required for AWE 2000/3000.

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