We can work on Has frequent texting and social media reduced teen literacy rates?

Please Note: Within this research paper assignment includes 3 different tasks with 3 different deadlines.

Important Dates:

April 26 – Annotated Bibliography Due
May 3 – Rough Draft Due
May 12 – Final Draft Due

[Due by April 26, 2020]

Annotated Bibliography

Find five quality sources for your research essay.
At least two of your five sources should be from the library databases.

For each source:
1) Create a MLA works cited entry.
2) Write a paragraph for each source describing what you learned about your research question(s) from that source.

[Due by May 3, 2020]

Submit what you have completed so far. The goal is to have a rough draft completed by this date.

[Due by May 12, 2020 – Research Essay Final Draft]

MLA format
MLA Citation (Works Cited Page and In-Text Citations)
1,600 words or more
Five or more sources

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