We can work on Handbook for IIDA – Rhetorical Analysis

Assignment Instructions:

How does your professional discourse community use written communication to transmit information to its members?

Select a document that is used within your discourse community (i.e. marketing plan, financial report, handbook).
What is the purpose of this document? How do you know? What information does the author use to support his thesis?
Who is the intended audience? How do you know? What type of language is being used, or what references do they make which support your conclusion?
What is the context of this document? Where and when was it published? What is it responding to?
What is the ethical stance of this author? What ideologies inform their position?
What is the genre of the piece? How does it follow the conventions of its chosen genre?
Does the document adequately serve its purpose and address the audience? Why or why not?

Directions for Writer:

Please use the attachments to revise the paper titled Handbook for IIDA – Rhetorical Analysis (PDF) attached. You’re only revising about 1 page paper-worth of the content.

please reference ‘Additional Instructor’ for the Professor’s direct feedback as it relates to the rubric. Revise within Rubric parameters.

please use Sample Rhetorical Analysis titled as ‘Rhetorical Analysis Sample 2 (1)’ to reference for structure of the paper ONLY.

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