We can work on GWU Climate Change and its Impact on The Environment Research Paper – Assignment Help

I need help with a Political Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

  1. Purpose:
    To synthesize the information you have learned in the climate change lesson with relation to the lesson objectives.
  2. Length:
    Two pages, single-spaced (1,000 words +/1 100 words). Bibliography not counted in min-max pages.
  3. Instructions:
    Using what you have learned from the required and optional material in Lesson 2: Climate Change, answer the three questions listed below. You must use specific examples and references from the course material, but you must write everything in your own words. You must cite in any style the lectures, reading material, or any other content in the lesson that you discuss in your paper. You must reference specific material to get full credit for this course. Your paper is limited to 1,000 words, so you must be concise and efficient in your writing while also striving to present as much important information as possible. Therefore, you should prioritize the most important information to include first.

    • Defining climate change: What is the difference between climate and weather? What is the difference between global warming and climate change? What is the mechanism that causes global warming? What are the main drivers of global warming (what human activities)?
    • Impacts of climate change: What are some of the main impacts of climate change on developing countries? Give examples from the course lectures. Why are developing countries more susceptible to the impacts of climate change? What are some of the main impacts of climate change on developing countries?
    • Dealing with climate change: What is the difference between adaptation and mitigation to climate change? What role do developing countries place in both adaptation and mitigation to climate change? How does policy help archived both responses to climate change? What is geoengineering?
  4. Material:

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