We can work on Groundwater Remediation at East Helena Smelter Site Research Paper – Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Environmental Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

You are required to complete a 5-6 page paper summarizing your findings on the topic of an area of environmental law that interests you, as applied to a specific issue in Montana. The paper will be worth 20 percent of your grade and must be typed, double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Please turn in both a Word (or equivalent program) and PDF version of your paper. Pick one of the legal schemes we are going over this semester (either federal or Montana law), and write a paper explaining how that statutory scheme has been used/implemented in relation to a specific site or factual issue (e.g. you may choose something akin to “fertilizer runoff reduction” or you could choose “groundwater remediation at East Helena Smelter Site”). Please keep your topic as specific as possible so that you can concisely describe the environmental law application in your paper! If you need assistance choosing a topic, contact either instructor. Your paper should include (1) a cover sheet with your name and the paper title (this page does not count toward the 5-6 pages of your paper), (2) an introduction, (3) the laws, rules, and policies applicable to your issue/site, (4) an analysis explaining how those laws/administrative rules/polices have been applied at the issue/site, and (5) a conclusion. Your analysis section should weave the facts of the site/issue into the law/policy/rules at play, and should constitute the majority of your paper. While instructors will interpret this paper topic broadly, do not merely submit a scientific evaluation. The more law, regulation, and policy evaluation you include in your paper, the better. You may use any books, governmental resources, or reputable mainstream newspapers, magazines, or journals as sources for your article. U.S. Supreme Court and Appellate Court decisions are excellent sources and we strongly suggest that you use them. You can get these decisions for free on Findlaw.com, or you can ask the instructors and we can point you in the right direction. While the internet is an excellent place for sources, you need to be careful here. Dubious sources and misinformation abound, and your grade will be docked if you include false information. Be sure to either cite your sources either via footnotes or endnotes. Your citations can be brief and informal, such as: (Lee, Christopher; Court Halts Changes to the Clean Air Act, San Francisco Chronicle, 12/25/03), or (Kubasek, Nancy; Environmental Law, Prentice Hall, 5th Ed., 2005). While the citation format is informal, the citations must be consistent throughout the paper. Do not cite Wikipedia since it is not a valid source. Doing so will result in the grade for your paper being reduced. However, Wikipedia may be used to find more scholarly sources as it can be well-referenced. Be sure to organize your Research Paper in a readable format. The final paper will be graded on focus (is the entire paper on-topic?), development (did you give background information, is it comprehensive, is it written for a college-level audience?), argument (does your paper follow through to conclusion?), and organization (did the paper follow the rules set forth herein? Can the reader follow each paragraph? Do the paragraphs flow logically?)

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