We can work on Grand Canyon University Wk 1 The First World War A Concise Global History Discussion – Assignment Help

Question Description

Use the attached files and the link below only and must be cited.

Part 1: Public journals (100-150 words): For each public journal, you will choose one of the three guiding themes (Homefront/Fighting front, Identity, Memory) and explain the major conclusion about this theme that you have drawn from the current module, giving specific evidence from the readings (including lecture). Include at least one thoughtful question for your classmates after the discussion post based on the reading.

Part 2: Answer this question: (100-150)

Question: quite a simple question but I am curious. Do you think that the naval arms race from the British overall caused more harm than good. The results of the race have me questioning this because it urged people like America to develop large navy but at the same time it encouraged countries like Germany to invest in naval technology (like the U boat) which ultimately ended up being pointed at civilian shipping.


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