We can work on Goals

Introduce yourself to the class. Choose four of the questions below to answer. Make your first letter
(Choose four to answer in your first message)
What are your two biggest goals this semester?
What are your two most important goals for Grossmont College in general?
What is the difference between learning and education?
When do students not learn?
What is the best way to acquire a second language?
How long does it take for students to learn English at the important academic college level?
What are the habits of successful students?

Sample Solution

Florence Mills a Pioneer of The Silver Screen Florence Mills is the trailblazer of the screen Florence Mills had never had a landmark in his own nation, however this little nation Grenada as of late gave stamps for her. This is a piece of the recognition for the screen pioneers. This stamp shows a banner of the Palace Theater which is the spot for the best shuffling presentation. Florence didn’t enter the big screen, yet it was the principal dark star that showed up in the male or female royal residence. Florence was conceived in the ghettos town of Washington DC in January 1896. Florence Mills was conceived in Winfried in Florence close to Washington DC in 1895. After the finish of the common war, her folks became captives of Virginia tobacco manor. In the wake of showing up in the melodic as a 8 – year – old kid, Mills moved to New York with her mom and two sisters. The three siblings and sisters shaped a gathering of tunes called Mills Trio. Factories proceeded with the phase of singing and moving until 25 years of age and she acknowledged the challenge to play at the Broadway show of Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, Shuffle Along. As a splendid artist and innovative artist, Mills has become a well known artist. She visited Europe and came back to New York and sang another melodic ‘Blackbird’. In November 1927, she kicked the bucket unexpectedly because of a ruptured appendix, and her notoriety rose quickly. An expected 150,000 individuals arranged in New York boulevards to see her burial service group and grieve her demise. Florence Mills is the harbinger of the screen Florence Mills had never had a landmark in his own nation, yet this little nation Grenada as of late gave stamps for her. This is a piece of the recognition for the screen pioneers. This stamp shows a banner of the Palace Theater which is the spot for the best shuffling exhibition. Florence didn’t enter the big screen, however it was the main dark star that showed up in the male or female royal residence. – Stanley Kubrick: Artists, adventurers, and pioneers presented the limit among craftsmanship and diversion that has been progressively accustomed in the only remaining century. Craftsmanship pundits characterize their quality through their data, advancement and multifaceted nature. Both depend on the goal of correspondence. Craftsmanship pulls in onlookers and regularly attempts to abuse more mind boggling and uncommon emotions. (Krush Web Site) Stanley Kubrick utilizes film media to pass on a comprehension of his general surroundings.>

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