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Global Diasporas Outline


Thesis statement:  The Arab American community faces adverse negative stereotypes in the American culture that ascribe an essentialized otherness in the Arab-Muslim community; therefore, they should join forces with other minority groups to make effective reforms.Diaspora of interest: Arab AmericansRationale: Arab Americnas have to face numerous challenges politically, legally and economically especially the past two decades leading to the rise of the new radical right.Main Topic: experience of Arab Americans with discrimination and negative stereotypes.Supporting  Evidence:

History of Political Identity

Arab Americans went through two main historical stages in the formation of their political identity.

Issues facing  Arab Americans

The Arab American community faces issues such as lack of financial resources creating a great dissonance with the fundamentals of the United States policy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.The many problems have necessitated cogent progress in the political realm to make the community more visible to the American society.Discrimination Against Arab Americans: Arabs in the American Diaspora continually face discrimination due to their descent and background.

Formation of Ethnic Institutions

Their political ethos and praxis emerged with the formation of various ethnic institutions.


Despite the repeated frustrations of the Arab community in the United States, there is potential for a better future inside as well as outside America to regain their sovereignty and have the opportunity to live a more decent life and establish their position in the American polity.

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