We can work on George Fox University Deontological and Utilitarian Perspectives Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m stuck on a Business Law question and need an explanation.

Disucussion 1: Post your initial post (at least 300 words) and post a response (at least 100 words) to others later.

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A client who sells adult movies and accessories wishes to use the aggregate purchase histories of all its customers to recommend products to individual customers on its website (a collaborative filter). The terms of service have not explicitly asked permission from customers to be used by the client in this way. No customer would be identified in the recommendation as the data are aggregated. However some customers may not want any of their purchase history to be used for any purposes.

  • Use the deontological perspective to determine if it is acceptable for the client to build the collaborative filter
  • Use the utilitarian perspective to determine if it is acceptable for the client to build the collaborative filter
  • Do your two analyses agree with one another? If not, which of the two ethical frameworks do you lean toward in this situation?

Discussion 2: Post your initial post (at least 300 words) and post a response (at least 100 words) to others later.

The technology has normalized the use of all customer data to optimize the experience of individual customers. The default assumption is now that firms can: “have the right to use all information at an aggregate level to offer better products and services”

  • Is this a Utilitarian or deontological approach to business? Justify your choice and outline why it is not the alternative.
  • What technical and non-technical steps could Target have made to avoid the perception its predictive algorithm went too far?

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