I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
1. Discuss some practical
ways that you practice self-care. How do your practices align
with practical guidelines for self-care recommended by other psychologists?
What are some risks associated with NOT practicing self-care? The DQ response must be 150 – 200 words and content 2 in-text citations and 2 references in APA format. Do not use the textbook by Fisher and the APA code of ethics as references.
2. Give an example of how
using deception in research can and should be used. Describe why the use of
deception can be considered acceptable while some of the classic research
methods are not. Provide examples when applicable. The DQ response must be 150 – 200 words and content 2 in-text citations and 2 references in APA format. Do not use the textbook by Fisher and the APA code of ethics as references. PLEASE READ ASSIGNMENTS CAREFULLY, BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN GET HELP AND THE PAPERS ARE NOT CORRECT AND CAUSING ME LOTS OF MONEY FOR DUE OVERS.