We can work on Florida State Womens Bureau and Its Impact on Social Conditions Questions – Assignment Help

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(The development of the Women’s Bureau and its impact on social conditions for women and families)

This paper must be typed, double-spaced, between 8 and 10 pages in length, include accurate reference citations (both in the body of the paper and in the list of references), and conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th.Edition) publication style. The cover page and reference pages do not count toward the minimum number of pages required. Your paper must have at least eight (8) references, one of which must be a primary reference (i.e., the actual policy itself at time of enactment, debates about the policy in The Congressional Record, administrative regulations governing implementation of the policy, etc.). A copy of the primary reference (copies of the original documents) must be included in the appendix of your paper. Web-based references should not comprise more than four (4) of the required number unless they are peer-reviewed journal articles found on the web,

and government documents. Other references should come from books, articles in refereed journals, and other historical documents from the professional literature. Please see the Bibliography of this Syllabus for suggestions. Your paper should be double-spaced, printed on one side of the paper, use 12-point font and one-inch margins.

Guidelines for Completing Policy Paper

1. Identify the problem and the way it is defined. 10 points

2. Identify the causes to which the problem is attributed. 20 points

3. Is this a “new” problem? 10 points

4. Who is now defining this issue as a social problem and how is that different from the past? What conditions are different? How is society different? 20 points

5. What ideologies, theories, or paradigms of the social welfare system are relevant? Why? 20 points

6. Identify and discuss the social, economic, and political events that led up to the passage of this policy or program. (You need to include a description of the social, economic and political climate of the era.). This section is worth 20 points. Who initiated the policy or program? Which groups were in favor of it? Which groups were opposed to it? State reasons for the position taken by each faction. Identify the societal and/or social work values reflected in the positions held by each group of stakeholders. This section is worth 30 points.

7. How was the policy or program finally enacted? Identify strategies/tactics used in its passage. Identify the various stakeholders and state their positions on each side of the issue? Who compromised, and in which ways? Who has power in regard to this issue? 20 points

8. State the goals and objectives of the policy or program. 10 points

9. Identify the target Groups benefiting from the policy or program. Do other societal groups also derive benefits? If so, in which ways? 20 points

10. Form of the benefits – opportunities, services, goods, credits, cash, etc. Were the benefits in a form that would alleviate the problem in a significant way? In your opinion, were there alternative forms of benefits that could have had a greater impact on the problem? If so, identify and describe these. 20 points

11. Implementation of the policy or program – how was the policy or program carried out? How were the administrative and service delivery systems organized? 20 points

12. Evaluation – Is the policy or program successful? If not, why not? What gaps in benefits need to be addressed? Is the problem adequately addressed by present social welfare policies and programs? Is there more or less which should be done? 20 points 12 OR, if the policy or program is no longer in existence, what factors led to its demise? Did it accomplish its goals?

13. In what ways did this policy, program or organization contribute to the profession of social work and social welfare, including its values and ethics? 20 points

14. What social welfare policies and programs are relevant to the problem? Is there a role for social work? If so, what is the role of social work? 20 points

This paper must be typed, double-spaced, between 8 and 10 pages in length, include accurate reference citations (both in the body of the paper and in the list of references), and conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th.Edition) publication style. The cover page and reference pages do not count toward the minimum number of pages required. Your paper must have at least eight (8) references, one of which must be a primary reference (i.e., the actual policy itself at time of enactment, debates about the policy in The Congressional Record, administrative regulations governing implementation of the policy, etc.). A copy of the primary reference (copies of the original documents) must be included in the appendix of your paper. Web-based references should not comprise more than four (4) of the required number unless they are peer-reviewed journal articles found on the web,

and government documents. Other references should come from books, articles in refereed journals, and other historical documents from the professional literature. Please see the Bibliography of this Syllabus for suggestions. Your paper should be double-spaced, printed on one side of the paper, use 12-point font and one-inch margins.

Oral Presentation of Policy Paper:, your presentation should be a summary of your work, and not a recitation of the entire paper. The following areas should be covered in brief.

1. Title of paper & why you chose this particular topic

2. Brief description of the period of history in which the policy/program was enacted/developed. That is, what were the political, social, and economic conditions that made it necessary to take this initiative/action?

3. Which group/s initiated the action? Which group/s were in support of the initiative/action and why? Which group/s were against the action and why?

4. Identify the social work or societal values reflected in the position of those in support of, and opposition to, this action.

5. Which group/s benefited from the action, and how?

6. Which strategies were utilized to enact the policy, or implement the initiative?

7. What is the status of the policy/program now?

8. What additional steps do you think could have been taken to insure the effectiveness of this initiative?

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