We can work on FIU Challenges We Face in Caring for The Frail Elderly in Late Adulthood Discussion – Assignment Help

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In Chapter 25, page 720, the “frail elderly” are discussed. For this discussion, address the following:

  • What are some of the issues of caring for the “frail elderly” in Late adulthood?
  • Describe three of the challenges we face in caring for the frail elderly

Please reply to the following posts. 200 words minimum for each post.

Post #1

As we learned in Chapter #25 of our book, frail elderly is the oldest-old who are physically infirm, very ill or cognitively disables, and consequently tired and lethargic. Some issues of caring for the “frail elderly” in late adulthood is the non-communicable diseases (NCD). Also, most of the time caregivers are usually elderly too, who often have poor health, limited strength and failing immune system. Frail elderly needs help on their ADLs (Activity of Daily Life) which includes eating, bathing, toileting, dressing and moving from a bed to a chair and also on their IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily life) which are the actions like paying bills, filing taxes, etc. Another problem is that usually the designated caregiver is chosen less for practical reasons than for cultural ones. Usually the caregiver is the spouse, who often has no prior experience in caring for a frail elder. If no spouse is available, then a grown child may assume the responsibility. The problem is they often have significant work and family responsibilities as well. Family member often disagree about appropriate nutrition, medical help and dependence. For example, a family member insist that an elderly person never enter a nursing home, while another member may say that a nursing home is the best option.

           Some challenges that can be faced in caring for the frail eldering is elder abuse. If the caregiver results in resentment and social isolation, the risk of depression, sickness and abuse escalates. When the caregiver suffers from emotional problems or substance abuse. If the care receiver is frail, confused and demanding. Also, when the care location is isolated, where visitors are few. Another challenge is the long-term care. A good nursing home care is available for those who can afford in the United States. Good care allows independence individual choice and privacy. Another challenge is choosing which care alternative. Elders need a setting that allow them to be safe, social and respected. 

Post #2

Some problems such as NCD can be postponed or slowed, but not solved. Caregivers themselves are usually elderly and they often have poor health, limited strength, and failing immune systems. That is why an elder parent who cares for his/her parent is likely to need help. Usually, the designated caregivers of the elderly are chosen less for practical reasons such as skills, strength, more free time, than for cultural reasons. In the United States, for example, the current caregiver is the spouse which most of the time is the wife instead of the husband. If not spouse is available then the siblings should take care of the elderly. Families sometimes suffer resentment with other family members because they dispute about who should take care of the elder. Usually, sisters dispute with brothers because they discuss who should take care of their parents. Even in ideal circumstances, family members disagree on appropriate nutrition, medical help, and dependence. Some of the family members may insist on the elder going to a nursing home while others may want to keep them at home. Family conflict exists, making the situation even more difficult. If either of the two is chosen, home care, or nursing home, families should closely monitor the elderly’s health because if not abuse or abandonment may occur. When caregiving results in resentment and social isolation, the risk of depression, and abuse escalates. The caregiver may suffer from emotional problems or substance abuse. The care receiver is fragile, confused, and demanding, this link to the isolation of the caregiver may lead to extensive abuse. Sometimes, caregivers become victims of confused care-receivers who attacked them. Social isolation makes abuse possible.

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