We can work on Financial reporting analysis

I need a response to my classmates discussion board post, write as if you are writing to my classmate .
What information about the business do you need before deciding to invest your savings?
First and foremost, call me a bad friend because I 100% would not invest in this situation. If I were forced to
invest, I would first see if this particular type of situation existed in similar sized areas and markets. An
abundance of Social Media research would be done to see if this type of art would take off with the help of
social media blasts. It sounds similar to Banksy, so, it likely would have a social media following. Art is a very
niche market, the idea that “my friend” thinks he would be able to sell his artwork for ten times the investment
costs does not surprise me. As far as the structure to be purchased, I would research similar structures and
recent sales history. I would look up zoning for the walls to see if business is even allowed. There are almost
too many things to list that would need to be just right for me to invest in arts.
What kind of profit split would you suggest to your friend?
I would set up a somewhat tiered system. I would want 70% of the profit until the structure is 100% paid off. I
would then wish to reverse those percentages with my friend buying the property back from me. If that would
not work for him…sorry good sir.
Review the Course Overview video. What other types of business decisions can be answered with the help of
accounting information? Many business decisions can be assisted with the help of accounting information such
as: money allocation, resource allocation, expansion, downsizing, investment potential.

Sample Solution

Disclosure by Ruby Turpin Ruby Turpin’s Revelation Ruby Turpin shows three distinct highlights in the article “Disclosure”. Ruby is a prevailing lady who judges, controls and blinds the truth of life. She obviously needs disclosure to assist her with changing her mentality. I believe that she has never been presented in the sentence that “the start ought to be the last and the last ought to be the first”. Claud and Ruby Turpin are all things. They don’t need a lot, and they wouldn’t fret providing for individuals who need it. In “Disclosure” of Flannery O’Connor, as the title recommends, it is a lady who has encountered disclosure. Pig is a significant image of the saint’s Ruby Turpin. In Ruby’s edification venture pigs frequently show up in the end of the world and toward the finish of the story is significant for the ruby’s disclosure. The pig mirrors her view of certain parts of ruby’s life, basically to her. All things considered, the pig mirrors the genuine character of ruby ​​through the story. Flannario Connor’s short story “End times” is an ideal case of a sensational parody. O’Connor permits the peruser to comprehend the two parts of the center character Ruby Turpin. Ruby Turpin thinks he is a thoughtful individual. As a peruser, we can see the contrary side of Ruby Turpin. Ruby · Turpin thinks himself as “a commendable, constant, church-arranged lady.” (P.989) Ruby Turpin estimates everything and sees everybody through his own self-system. Ruby likes to comprehend what kind of individual to pick on the off chance that you can not remain without anyone else. Kindly don’t utilize “she contort, twist, crease, and overlay” (p.981) and use it as “nark or white garbage” (p.981). Her other diversion is to characterize others. O’Connor composed as follows: “Mrs. Te Pin involved his name around evening time” (p. 981). The grouping of others’ Ruby Turpin is altogether founded on her acknowledgment standards Flannery O’Connor’s short story “Disclosure” is another anecdote about a saint with race and class bias. Nonetheless, the Apocalypse never incorporates passing or an abrupt amazement toward the finish of the story. Ruby Turpin, the hero of John Revelation, sat in the specialist’s lobby and was hanging tight for Claude’s (her husband’s) foot treatment. While she is pausing, she will converse with different patients hanging tight for the specialist. Mrs. Telpin conversed with certain patients, and she was aggravated with Wellsley’s understudy, her eyes were gazing at the malicious she saw (O’Connor 366). Mrs. Telpin was not thinking about this young lady, Marie Grace, who was thinking how revolting and fat she was (O’Connor 366). She additionally ordered ladies sitting close to Mary Grace’s mom as white trash, yet luckily it was not one or the other “dark” nor white trash (O’Connor 366 – 367).>

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