We can work on Finance and Budgeting: Forecasting Expenses and Revenues in Higher Education

One of the most challenging jobs of fiscal management is forecasting expenses and revenues that can take place. This holds true across higher education; institution, department, program, etc. Consider the readings and consider experiences in higher education. Based on example or hypothesis. what are some of the experiences and examples of expenses and revenues that are most difficult to forecast? What impact does it have on the budget? What mechanisms are employed to prevent this from happening?

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Translation process is an artistic communication between the author, the translator and the reader and the words used by the translator constitutes the major part in the process of communicating ideas or feelings of the author. “Literature is both the condition and the place of artistic communication between senders and addressees or the public” (Basnett,2002) The translator is the first one who must comprehend, read and interpret the source text then to render it in a different medium. Literary translation includes fiction,poetry, drama and the language arts must be taken into consideration by the translator. The purposes of the translator are to transfer the information but also to create an equivalent form of art. The beauty of the translators’ work is that they bring a great contribution to the creative process being recognized as part of the literary world. The literary translator must therefore possess a great knowledge of both the TL culture and language and the SL culture being able to command to>

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