Answer the attached questions. The question’s answers should be 4-5 sentences long and contain one source with an APA style citation. The citation should be listed right under the question’s answer.
You will find the answers in the references that are included (the sources are attached in the best order to correspond with the questions).
How to Buy a Business. (n.d.). Entrepreneur. Retrieved from
Buying a Small Business: Assets Vs. Entities from SCORE (2014)
Buying Existing Businesses from
Due diligence when buying an existing business.
Combs, J., Ketchen D., & Short, J. (2011). Is Franchising Entrepreneurship? Yes, No, and Maybe So. From Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 35(3), pp. 583-593.
Allahar, H. (2015). An Overview of Key Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case of Trinidad and Tobago, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 3(8), pp. 409-425.
Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis With The Case Study Method, from Agarwal, P. and Mittal, R. (2014). International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations, 2(1), pp. 236-244.
Terms, motives, and types of mergers (pp. 236-244).
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