For this professional and personal reflection, students will raise their awareness on a series of attitudinal and managerial competencies, an essential credential in today’s hospitality industry.
Overall aim:
The objective is to assess how effective industry professionals provide outstanding customer experience.
Learning Outcomes and Transferable Skills
Learning outcomes:
• Critically reflect on the managerial abilities at stake to deliver service excellence.
Tasks, Organization and Grading:
The project consists of an individual written professional and personal reflection related to key moments of the field trip.
Based upon 3 of the visits / activities / presentations organised during the field trip, students will write a personal reflection about abilities that are critical to deliver service excellence.
%Structure or Task: Learning Descriptor
Front Page
Student’s name
Course name
Institution name (GIHE)
- Visit / activity / presentation 1 –
- Visit / activity / presentation 2
- Visit / activity / presentation 3
- Presentation and Communication
• Knowledge and
Demonstrates an
understanding of best
practice in providing
service excellence
• Cognitive skills
Synthesis and critical
evaluation of
Logic and argument
TS1 Communication Presentation,structure, language TS6 Learning how to Learn Personal evaluation And Development: uses personal reflection to analyse own strengths and weaknesses in relation to professional skills identified
- Visit / activity / presentation 1 – (300 words)
visited Barcelona Football stadium and saw the museum and learned about its history. We also had a presentation with the manager for revenue management of Barcelona - Visit / activity / presentation 2 – (300 words)
For this on, we visited the W hotel Barcelona, and had a presentation with the general manager and talked about customer satisfaction side of it.
- Visit / activity / presentation 3 – (300 words)
For this one we visited a family business hotel which is called Almanac Hotel and met with the general manager. He talked about the history of the hotel and his background.
Learning Descriptor Task Weight
Knowledge and Understanding Task 1 25%
Cognitive Skills Task 1 25%
TS1 Communication Task 1 25%
TS6 Learning how to learn Task 1 25%
GIHE LEVEL 7 Grading Guidelines – (Masters semester 1 to 3).
Grade Learning Descriptor
80– 100% a) Knowledge: A conceptual, theoretical, and critical understanding of the
subject area and related disciplines. All arguments carefully developed and
Excellent clearly shown. Considered and effective use of a wide scope of literature
beyond that supplied in the classroom. Data specialist in nature and informed
by the existing body of knowledge.
b) Cognitive: Synthesize, critically evaluate, and challenge information. Apply
knowledge and understanding accurately to a range of issues, implicit values,
questions and complex problems. Apply established and new techniques at
the forefront of knowledge. Recognizes the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits
to knowledge. Clear evidence of integrated thinking and links to originality.
Can use levels of abstraction to recommend new concepts, approaches, and
likely future developments.
c) Professional Competencies: Fully demonstrate, comprehensive practical
and professional skills and with close consideration of relevant ethical issues
in complex environments. Can lead, adapt, and recognize change in an
entrepreneurial mindset with sensitivity to diversity.
d) Transferable Skills: Communicate complex information, arguments, and
ideas effectively and appropriately to explore issues and problems, use
recognized literature, ICT, and planning; excellent report structure with APA
presentation of figures, tables, references (in-text and list) where appropriate.
Evidence of originality and novelty present. Uses personal reflection to
analyze self and own actions to improve future practice and/or performance.
70 – 79% a) Knowledge: A conceptual, theoretical, and developed understanding of the
subject area and its relationship to some other disciplines. All arguments
Very Good developed and shown. Considered use of relevant literature. Some
specialist knowledge shown and informed by the existing body of knowledge.
b) Cognitive: Apply knowledge and understanding accurately to a range of
issues, questions and complex problems. Apply established and new
techniques. Has recognition of some uncertainty, ambiguity and limits to
knowledge. Shows evidence of integrated thinking and links to originality.
c) Professional Competencies: Use as appropriate, practical and
professional skills with evidence of the consideration of ethical issues. Can
lead and recognize complex change in a business mindset with awareness
of diversity.
d) Transferable Skills: Communicate information, arguments, and ideas
appropriately to explore issues and problems, use recognized literature, ICT,
and planning; good report structure with APA presentation of figures, tables,
references (in-text and list) where appropriate. Uses personal reflection to
analyze self and own actions to improve future practice and/or performance.
50 – 69% e) Knowledge: A conceptual, theoretical, and adequate understanding of the
subject area and some related disciplines. All arguments developed and
Pass shown. Considered use of literature. Some specialist knowledge shown and
informed by the existing body of knowledge.
f) Cognitive: Apply knowledge and understanding accurately (with some
minor errors) to a range of issues, questions and complex problems. Apply
established and some new techniques. Has some recognition to the
uncertainty, ambiguity and limits to knowledge. Some evidence of integrated
thinking and links to originality.
g) Professional Competencies: Use as appropriate, practical and professional skills with evidence of the consideration of ethical issues. Can lead and recognize simple change in a business mindset with some awareness of diversity. h) Transferable Skills: Communicate information, arguments, and ideas appropriately to explore issues and problems, use recognized literature, ICT, and planning; adequate report structure with APA presentation of figures, tables, references (in-text and list) where appropriate. Uses some personal reflection to analyze self and own actions to improve future practice and/or performance.
40 – 49% a) Knowledge: Underdeveloped understanding of the topic with a minimal
critical application or evaluation; considerable factual errors evident. Virtually
Fail no inclusion of literature information beyond lecture materials.
b) Cognitive: Knowledge used purely to describe, a limited application of
knowledge shown. Incomplete evidence of argument and logical thinking.
c) Professional Competencies: Limited evidence of skills development in line
with practical or professional development or problem solving.
d) Transferable Skills: Inadequate use of communication tools, ICT, and some
planning; little attention given to the report structure; a very limited use of
illustrative tables and figures. APA problems evident and flaws in
presentation shown.
20-39% a) Knowledge: Simplistic understanding of the subject; serious factual errors
evident. No critical review or evaluation evident.
Fail b) Cognitive: Very limited argument or logic shown. Underdeveloped evidence
of thought.
c) Professional Competencies: Elementary evidence of skills development.
d) Transferable Skills: Basic use of communication tools, literature, ICT, and
planning; poorly structured report; disorganized, missing sections, minimal
presentation of supporting data.
0– 19% a) Knowledge: Very poor coverage of material with little relevant information
evident. Virtually no evidence of understanding or exploration. A few lines
Fail of relevant material or no material at all.
b) Cognitive: No argument or logic shown.
c) Professional Competencies: None shown
d) Transferable Skills: Minimal attempt to provide a structured answer. Poor.
The qualitative criteria includes consideration of
• The quality of the report/essay – use of sections, diagrams, figures, citation of references, neatness etc.
• Student knowledge of the subject; depth and quality of answer
• Evidence of reading / study beyond the regurgitation of standard taught materials
• Shows level 7 competencies together with synthesis and evaluation
• Common Assessment Methods: case studies, dissertations, simulations, applied business projects, final reports/end of term papers, long answer examination
English version:
“I confirm that this work is my own. Additionally, I confirm that no part of this coursework, except where clearly quoted and referenced, has been copied from material belonging to any other person e.g. from a book, handout, another student. I am aware that it is a breach of GIHE regulations to copy the work of another without clear acknowledgement and that attempting to do so renders me liable to disciplinary procedures. To this effect, I have uploaded my work onto Turnitin and have ensured that I have made any relevant corrections to my work prior to submission. ”
FINAL DOCUMENTS: Submission on turnitin
• You are required to submit an electronic copy of your report to Turnitin, otherwise the work may not be accepted and you may receive a zero or other penalty
• The final piece of work must be uploaded in enough time for the system to accept it on the due date. The system sometimes takes longer than normal to accept reports (from 30 min up to few hours). Please note that larger reports will upload more quickly if they are saved as a pdf file
• You must not upload your work onto another person’s account. If this happens, your submission may not be assessed, leading to a zero
• You are required to agree to the Turnitin usage policies when you first access the Turnitin website. Full information regarding the Turnitin service, including privacy, copyright and
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Level 7 Grading Rubric
Learning Fail Fail Fail Pass Very Good Excellent
Descriptors 0-19% 20-39% 40-49% 50-69% 70-79% 80-100%
Knowledge & Very poor coverage of material Minimal understanding of the subject; Limited understanding of the topic Reasonable understanding of A sound grasp of the subject A deep and exact demonstration of
Understanding of the with little relevant information serious factual errors evident. Gaps with considerable factual errors subject matter but some flaws material and its link to other systematic knowledge and its interrelations
subject evident. Virtually no evidence of and superficial understanding. evident. Virtually no inclusion of and errors evident. Only limited disciplines. Reasonable with other disciplines. Considered and
understanding. A few lines of literature information beyond evidence of wider study and evidence of wider study beyond effective use of a wide scope of literature
Knowing key concepts, relevant material or no material at lecture materials. Limited use of literature information. the classroom. Data specialist beyond that supplied in the classroom. Data
terms, menu items, all. specialist knowledge and links to Reasonable evidence of tendencies. specialist in nature and informed by the
processes, language other disciplines. specialist knowledge and links existing body of knowledge. Considers how
level) to other disciplines. Reflect the existing knowledge impacts interpretation.
achievement of learning
Cognitive Skills No argument or logic shown. Very limited argument or logic Limited evidence of argument and Reasonable evidence of Good evidence of synthesis, Demonstrated excellent synthesis, critical
Unsubstantiated generalizations, shown. Poor evidence of thought. logical thinking. Structure of synthesis, critical evaluation, critical evaluation, and tries to evaluation, and challenging of information.
(e.g. analysis and made without use of any credible Views/ findings largely irrelevant, argument effective, but with some and tries to challenge challenge information. Some Apply knowledge and understanding
synthesis; logic evidence. Lack of logic, leading to illogical or contradictory. gaps or weaknesses. Some information. But problems links to originality and the use accurately to a range of issues, implicit
and argument; unsupportable conclusions or Generalizations/ statements made evidence provided to support found in overall logic and of new or abstract techniques. values, questions and complex problems.
analytical reflection; missing conclusions. with scant evidence. Conclusions findings, but not always argument. Limited critical Evidence selected to support Apply established and new techniques at the
organisation and lack relevance and/or validity. consistent. Some relevant review and evaluation, thus arguments. Strong forefront of knowledge. Recognizes the
communication of conclusions. thinking at times not shown. conclusions. uncertainty, ambiguity and limits to
ideas and evidence) Generally sound conclusions. knowledge. Clear evidence of integrated
Reflects the achievement of thinking and links to originality. Can use
learning outcomes. levels of abstraction to recommend new
concepts, approaches, and likely future
Professional None shown. Little or no evidence Poor evidence of competency Limited evidence of competency Demonstrate reasonable Demonstrate good practical Fully demonstrate, comprehensive practical
Competencies of the required competencies in development. Limited evidence of development in line with practical practical and professional skills and professional skills and with and professional skills and with close
any of the areas identified for skills in the range identified for or professional competencies and with consideration of consideration of relevant ethical consideration of relevant ethical issues in
(e.g. assessment at this level. assessment at this level. Significant development. ethical issues in complex issues in complex complex environments. Can lead, adapt, and
practical and weaknesses evident, which suggest environments. Can adapt and environments. Can adapt and recognize change in an entrepreneurial
professional skills; that the candidate is not yet on recognize change in an recognize change in an mindset with sensitivity to diversity. Shows
industry and societal course to gain skills necessary for entrepreneurial mindset with entrepreneurial mindset with mastery of professional skills and accepts
standards) work. sensitivity. Shows some sensitivity. Shows mastery of accountability for related decisions and
mastery of professional skills professional skills and accepts actions. Autonomously implements and
and accountability for related accountability for related evaluates improvements to performance,
decisions and actions, although decisions and actions. Shows drawing on innovative or sectoral best
limitations evident. Limited good autonomy. practice.
autonomy shown.
Reflect the achievement of
learning outcomes.
Transferable Skills – Minimal attempt to communicate Poor use of communication tools, Demonstrate a limited use of Demonstrate reasonable use of Demonstrate good use of Demonstrate excellent use of communication
communication appropriately. Poor. with structural issues and poor use of communication tools, with some communication tools, communication tools, a good tools, excellent structure with APA
APA. Communication is not adapted structure issues with a limited use reasonable structure with some structure with APA presentation presentation of figures, tables, references (in-
(e.g. to the audience. of APA presentation of figures, APA presentation of figures, of figures, tables, references text and list) where appropriate.
written, graphical tables, references (in-text and list) tables, references (in-text and (in-text and list) where Communication adapted to audience
and oral, body language where appropriate. list) where appropriate. appropriate.
skills) Communication is somewhat Communication is reasonably Communication adapted to
linked to the audience. adapted to audience. audience.
Reflect the achievement of
learning outcomes.
Transferable Skills – Little or no evidence of the Limited evidence of skills in the range Can demonstrate a limited Can work reasonably well with Demonstrate good skills and Demonstrate excellent skills in working with
working with others required skills in any of the skills identified for the assessment at this participation others as a member of a group, work effectively with others as a others and recognizing the factors that impact
areas. level. as a member of a group does not and meet most obligations to member of a group and meet team performance. Can work exceptionally
(e.g. Significant weaknesses evident, meet others (e.g. tutors and peers). obligations well with others as a key member of a group,
group working, which suggest that the candidate is obligations to others to others (for example, tutors, showing leadership skills where appropriate,
leadership) not on course to gain skills necessary (e.g. tutors and peers) –lack of Reflect the achievement of peers, and colleagues). negotiating and meeting all obligations to
for employment. commitment present. learning outcomes. others (e.g. tutors and peers).
Transferable Skills – No evidence of reading. Views are Little reading appropriate for the level Limited evidence of research and Demonstrate reasonable skills Demonstrate good skills in Demonstrate excellent skills in managing
information literacy unsupported and non- of study, and/or indiscriminate use of reading, with superficial use of in managing information, managing information, information, collecting appropriate data from
authoritative. Academic sources. Academic conventions used given text(s) or sources. collecting appropriate data from collecting appropriate data from a range of sources and undertaking simple
(e.g. research related conventions largely ignored. incorrectly. Some academic conventions a range of sources and a range of sources and research tasks with external guidance.
Skills) evident but largely inconsistent. undertaking simple research undertaking simple research Consistently accurate and assured use of
tasks with more external tasks with external guidance. academic conventions.
guidance. Generally accurate Generally accurate and
and assured use of academic assured use of academic
conventions. conventions.
Reflect the achievement of
learning outcomes.
Transferable Skills – Little or no evidence of the Limited evidence of skills in the range Can work with numbers, although Demonstrate a reasonable use Demonstrate a good use of Demonstrate excellent use of your numerical
numeracy required skills in any of the skills identified for the assessment at this errors and inaccuracies shown. of your numerical skills as your numerical skills as skills as appropriate to support studies.
areas. level. appropriate to support studies. appropriate to support studies.
Significant weaknesses evident, Although some weaknesses
which suggest that the candidate is and lack of accuracy and
not on course to gain skills necessary understanding of use and
for employment. relevance present.
Reflect the achievement of
learning outcomes.
Transferable Skills – Little or no evidence of the Limited evidence of skills in the range Can work with ICT, although Demonstrate reasonable use Demonstrate good use of ICT Demonstrate excellent use of ICT tools as
using technology required skills in any of the skills identified for the assessment at this weaknesses and lack of accuracy of ICT tools as appropriate to tools as appropriate to support appropriate to support studies.
areas. level. and understanding of use and support studies. studies.
Significant weaknesses evident, relevance present. Reflect the achievement of
which suggest that the candidate is learning outcomes.
not on course to gain skills necessary
for internship level employment.
Transferable Skills – Little or no evidence of the Limited evidence of skills in the range Limited evidence of the ability to Able to evaluate own strengths Can take responsibility for own Demonstrate an excellent understanding and
learning how to learn required skills in any of the skills identified for the assessment at this evaluate and manage one’s own and weaknesses in relation to learning with appropriate use of the resources available to help learn,
areas. level. learning. professional and practical skills support. Is able to act with and develops as an independent learner.
Significant weaknesses evident, identified by others. limited autonomy, under Able to show insight, resourcefulness, and
which suggest that the candidate is Reflect the achievement of direction or supervision, autonomy in evaluating own strengths and
not on course to gain skills necessary learning outcomes. within defined guidelines. Able weaknesses in relation to professional and
for internship level employment. to take initiative in evaluating practical skills.
own strengths and weaknesses
in relation to professional and
practical skills identified by
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