We can work on Explain and graphically depict how Security Market Line (SML) is different from Capital Market Line (CML)

Explain and graphically depict how Security Market Line (SML) is different from Capital Market Line (CML). Identify and discuss the importance of minimum variance portfolios? Why CAPM equation might be more relevant than other equations when calculating required rate of return. (2000 words)

Task Details: Students are to analyse the given financial data using relevant financial analysis techniques,
and create relevant, supported conclusions and make justified recommendations to given issues and
problems. Responses are to be formatted into a professional report, as would be expected of someone
working in a modern accountant’s or financial advisor’s office.
Presentation: 2500 words +_ 10%, typed in word .doc – essay format; title page, introduction, suitable
headings and subheadings, conclusions/recommendations, reference list (Harvard – Anglia style),
attachments e.g. spreadsheets.
Research Requirements: Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text and a
minimum of six (6) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources.

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