We can work on Explain and discuss vindication and reconciliation as it relates to the UDC. Be sure to include specific examples.


After reading Dixie’s Daughters:  The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate Culture: 
please answer the following questions about the book. 
Please note:  these are NOT simple 1-2 line answers. 
Your answers should be substantial information that FULLY answers the question with some brief examples to show that you read the book.  
YOU MAY ONLY USE THE COX’S BOOK to complete this assignment.  
Restate each question, then provide your answer.  

1.  What is the “Myth of the Lost Cause’? And, explain:  who, why, and how, was this myth created sustained.

2.  Define “Confederate Culture.”  What are the symbols associated with this culture?  What groups were responsible for this tradition?  What were their objectives.  

3.  What aspect of American history does the author NOT discuss in the book and why?

4.  Who was the UDC?  Who were its members?  Why did they become members?  And, how did the group evolve? 

5.  How does Cox characterize the “New Man?”  Be sure to discuss:  motivations, goals, and these men differed from their fathers. 

6.  Describe how women’s organizations were able to commit to monument building and fundraising?  What kind of monuments did they desire? 

7.  Describe the concept of “benevolence” as it relates to the UDC and the Progressive Era.

8.  Discuss and describe the UDC’s views on history and how they spread their ideology.  What were their views on education? 

9.  Explain and discuss vindication and reconciliation as it relates to the UDC.  Be sure to include specific examples. 

10.  According to Cox, how did the views of the UDC, and by extension, the South, change and then challenge the Civil Rights Movement?  


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