We can work on Excel Project

Excel Project Scenario Through hard work and determination, you have graduated from your final institution of learning now it is time to make a budget so you can effectively manage your new found wealth. Since you are making more money, you naturally want to upgrade or replace some of things in your life. You are also curious about how much more money, if any, you are now making. Instructions Part 1

In a new Workbook, create a week-by-week expense and income ledger for an average month in Excel based on your current income. Also, create a week-by-week expense and income ledger for a projected average month in Excel based on your new income after you graduate and find a job in your field. In addition, create an appropriate chart that shows where your money current goes and where it comes from and a separate chart that shows where your future money will come from and where it will go. Be as accurate as possible for both.

Part 2

On a new Worksheet, place the chart that you created based on your new income, and the chart that you created based on your current income AS WELL AS an additional chart that compares the two in whatever way shows it the most effectively. All charts must be linked to their original data or data that is linked to their original data. Submission Submit one Excel Workbook with all of the required information to BlackBoard


 Make sure that ALL of your data is appropriately labeled.

 Your charts and tables should be easy to read

 Make sure that you check your formulas for errors.

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