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Introduction: Ex-offenders need access to basic needs services.

Thesis: Ex-offenders must have access to basic needs services in order to have a full integration back into the community.

Having a successful transition takes organization
Orientation is provided to offenders in regards to community services availability
Paperwork processing is necessary to identify medical, and basic needs
Paperwork is processed to established communication with parole agents
Reducing the rate of re-offending takes a effort
Services must match the need of the individual (high risk offenders must receive intensive services)
Services should start by targeting the problematic needs that cause them to commit offenses
Services need for cognitive behavioral treatments and treatment plans need to be established
Offenders are getting release every day with alarming rates of return to prison within a short period of time.
About 93% of offenders will return home after completing their sentence
650,000 individuals are released from prison each year
By the 2000s about half successfully completed their term of supervision
Offenders need preparations to return to their communities
Offenders need to be prepare to address their need in housing, employment, substance abuse, and family (social support)
Challenges, and the importance of maintaining employment
Challenges and importance of locating stable housing , reuniting with family, having a strong social support networks
Re-educational programs in violent offenders have demonstrated a reduction in violence
Educational programs have proven to reduce levels of violence in the jails
Participation in educational programs reduced violent reoffending after leaving jail
Educational programs no offered on every jail, but they can save taxpayers $30,000 a year per person
Community assistance is key to the success to prevent recidivism
Ability to obtain employment contributes to perceptions that planning efforts were helpful
Transitional housing, hallway houses, and emergency shelters play an important role to prevent homelessness
Community based programs work the best in reintegrating offenders, they must use evidence-based practices in order to be able to get success
Offenders that receive a formal education before or after leaving prison are less chances to recidivism
Many studies have proven that ex-offenders need community support and encouragement to succeed
More re-entry programs that delivery new ways of thinking, commonsense, and a human touch might make all the difference




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