We can work on Everglades University Orlando Social Psychology & Deindividuation Experiments Essay – Assignment Help

I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

Read your textbook chapters 11 and 12. This discussion focuses on chapter 11 and topics of Social Psychology. Also, view the video/study “The Milgram Study on Obedience,” “The Asch Study on Conformity” and “The Stanford Prison Study on Deindividuation“

Give a brief summary of the studies/videos while focusing on the topic of social psychology and social influence. Then, describe a specific instance in your life when you conformed and/or obeyed a social norm or a larger group influence and later regretted doing so. Explain in detail WHY you think that you conformed and or obeyed. Be sure to incorporate what you have learned from the Asch Study, The Stanford Prison Study, The Milgram Study (read your textbook and other sources/articles) or the various other concepts that you have learned in chapter 11 into your explanation.

Note: If you prefer to use a relative/friend’s experience as an example as opposed to your own personal experience, you may do so as long as you answer all the pertinent questions and meet all the criteria of this assignment.

Remember, it is the quality of your discussion and responses that is the most important! Keep in mind that we are not in a traditional classroom environment and cannot have typical classroom discussions. This is meant to encourage similar interactions. So…imagine yourself having lively discussions with your classmates. Be creative and engaging! Be sure that you paraphrase information that you take from sources and properly attribute all content. Do not copy and paste the information.

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