We can work on Eugene ONeills Long Days Journey Into Night.

The essay is about answering one question. According to  ( Eugene ONeills Long Days Journey Into Night)

****Which ONE of the following characters in Eugene ONeills Long
Days Journey Into Night that you feel the most sympathy for
a. James Tyrone
b. Mary Tyrone
c. Jamie Tyrone
d. Edmund Tyrone

1-You must reference the play in support of your answer.
2- It must adhere to MLA standards in terms of quotations from the text.
3- No secondary sources are required.
4- The maximum % for the plagiarised attempts is 30%.
5-Times New Roman, font size 12, double line spacing.

Play: Long Day’s Journey Into Night (1987) Part 1

Play: Long Day’s Journey Into Night (1987) Part 2

Full text of “Long Days Journey Into Night”

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