-Quote as much as you can from the reading, the film(s) and other readings
In her essay entitled “A Content Analysis of the Portrayal of India in Films Produced in the West” that was published in 2005, Srividya Ramasubramanian argues that “In summarizing the results, it appears that depictions of hot, polluted, mostly rural in nature locales (e.g., bazaars, palaces, huts, jungles, caves, and temples filled with animals) and traditional modes of transport (such as hand-rickshaws and elephant rides) are much more often represented in scenes located in India rather than in the West. Depictions of religious practices (such as nature worship and sorcery), abuse of women and children (such as sati and dowry), and people engaged in stereotypical leisure activities (such as snake-charming, fire-walking, rope-walking) were also more likely to be featured in Indian settings rather than non-Indian settings in these feature films. Characters portrayed as poor, having traditional occupations (such as hunters, magicians, and dance girls), living in stereotypical places (such as huts and jungles), and speaking exaggerated accented English were more likely to be Indian as compared to non-Indian. In short, the above findings suggest that a definitive pattern of stereotypical portrayals of India appears in films made in the West.”
1- Using the above quote as your point of departure and the overall argument in Ramasubramanian’s essay, discuss the extent to and the ways in which this perspective on films about India produced in the West is supported by the content of films such as “A Passage to India” or “Octopussy”. You can use one or both films in your discussion.
2- Basing your argument on Ramasubramanian’s essay and either of the films listed above, would you say that images of India in films produced in the West resemble those of Africa? What would be your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with this view?
Sample Solution
This page of the article has 2501 words. Download the full form above. Female portrayal versus male portrayal across society has been a progressing, and pervasive issue for a long time. The sexual orientation wage hole and occupation segregation among females and guys has been and keeps on being an uncertain issue that doesn’t appear to vanish at any point in the near future. In spite of the fact that forward leaps in ladies’ jobs have been made, the norms in the public arena that ladies keep are still a long way from the guidelines that men achieve. Throughout the years this sex hole issue has been unmistakable in CEO positions of authority. Another NBC news story named, “Female CEOs made progress in 2018 yet at the same time trail their male friends”, expresses that even the country’s greatest organizations contained a hole among ladies and men in the C-suite positions which stays to be amazingly articulated. Less than 5 percent of the Fortune 500 organizations are controlled by ladies and these equivalent organizations, indeed, really observed a 25 percent drop in female CEOs in the previous year. The writer of this article, Martha White, depicts that regardless of this, there has still been headway in the portrayal of ladies over the field. White clarifies that the yearly ladies CEO report demonstrates that more than 22 percent of new CEO positions were filled by ladies, and just in the previous year 175 ladies supplanted male CEOs, and 89 ladies had supplanted past female CEOs. Ahrens, Jan-Phillip. “Sexual orientation Disparity in the C-Suite: Do Male and Female CEOs Differ in How They Reached the Top?” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 9 Oct. 2013. This book, composed by Ahrens, depicts the shortage of ladies in CEO positions the nation over and represents that the quantity of ladies in C-suite organizations is gradually advancing. The source depicts that numerous authority positions are given dependent on scholarly isolation of sexual orientation. Because of this, there is an absence of decent variety in authority positions in many led contemplates. Ahrens further clarifies that the purpose behind the distinction in the male to female CEO proportion is on the grounds that compelling initiative is regularly characterized by the capacity of specific people to impact gatherings of individuals. On account of ladies, ladies’ capacities are believed to be constrained from impacting various kinds of practices onto gatherings of individuals. Ladies can here and there be viewed as excessively female in their administration positions or appear to be viewed as excessively manly, which further dissuades their capacities to maintain such initiative positions. Capital can likewise restrict ladies, in light of the fact that numerous ladies needs experience which can cause misfortunes in their professions, restraining them from further advancing in their vocation ways. Since there is no real proper procedure for recruiting individuals in these positions, Ahrens portrays that numerous businesses use generalizations and individual predisposition in choosing who gets the authority positions, and in this manner females don’t wind up having the option to get equivalent chance to men. These ladies additionally don’t frequently prevail in these positions since they are constantly given hazardous administration positions since they are “seen” to deal with high emergency circumstances superior to guys as apparent by numerous businesses. This source is believable in light of the fact that it gives numerous wellsprings of where the measurable data is originating from and was composed by a solid author who has done a lot of examination on this theme. Jan-Philipp Ahrens got his doctoral qualification from the University of Mannheim and finished the Berlin Doctoral program of Economics and Management Science. Ahrens then joined the German Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin as a political counselor in business rebuilding. Ahrens expositions and articles have numerous worldwide friend checked on grants, and he has composed numerous articles about business administration and the executives. This source was picked in light of the fact that it states with data and validity, why there is such a contrast between the quantity of guys and female CEOs. This source is useful in light of the fact that it shows instances of how female CEOs are getting rewarded uniquely in contrast to male CEOs, and how they are seen by others impacts how far they can reach in such authority positions. This book adds to the possibility that females are in reality rewarded diversely in CEO authority positions and clarifies how ladies are intentionally denied the capacity to develop and assume the obligations of a CEO, in light of on their sexual orientation, and their sex generalizations. Ahrens analysis and instructive book helps my examination since it gives numerous subtleties and the conceivable various reasons that answer my inquiry with respect to why there exists radically such a large number of less females in CEO initiative situations than guys, and how these jobs are changing as time advances. Headley, CW. “Study: Women CEOs Are More Likely to Face Termination than Men.” Ladders | Business News and Career Advice, Ladders | Business News and Career Advice, 1 Feb. 2019. Headley portrays that somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2014, an examination distributes by Journal Management expressed that there had been 641 CEO excusals and out of those ladies CEOs were 45 percent bound to be excused than male CEOs. Headley clarifies that the two guys and females were terminated if the organization was not performing great however when the organization was performing admirably more ladies CEOs were reliably excused. A portion of the reasons that ladies were seen as excused more was on the grounds that they were supposed to be excessively scary, forceful or bossy. Most female CEOs are not enjoyed by organizations and in this way they are consistently in risk of losing their positions as CEOs or in high positioned initiative positions. Headley is a correspondent who utilizes current investigations to discuss the common issues in the sex hole that female CEOs face when contrasted with male CEOs. Headley has composed various articles which have been checked on about sexual orientation and compensation hole. This source is dependable in light of the fact that it legitimately connects in contemplates used to legitimize significant focuses. Headley utilizes new examinations to talk about and notice why female CEOs are in danger more than men and how that assumes a job in why there are more male CEOs than female CEOs and females in administration positions. The perspectives in this article associate with the perspectives in Ahrens article and Mohans article since the two of them likewise depict that one reason that ladies are not as fruitful in achieving CEO initiative positions is because of the way that they are bound to confront end, particularly on the off chance that they are more current to the positions. Landmann, Andreas. “Sexual orientation Preferences in the CEO Successions of Family Firms: Family Characteristics and Human Capital of the Successor.” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 28 Apr. 2015. Landmann clarifies that in American Family Businesses, female administration levels are still moderate and a minority, yet their portrayal as CEOs in privately-owned companies has expanded throughout the years. The diary portrays that in 2010 the American Family Businesses Survey featured that female authority is gradually getting predominant in family firms. The review likewise expressed that 24 percent of privately-run companies had announced that they had female CEOs and presidents and 31 percent said that they may have a female replacement however, considering the quantity of guys as CEOs in privately-run companies ladies would keep on speaking to a minority. Landmann portrays that ongoing compositions on parental sexual orientation inclinations expresses that the dads despite everything favor their children over their little girls, and in this manner girls are not given such high, or any administration positions in contrast with their siblings. The diary shows that sexual orientation inclinations in privately-run companies prompts the accomplishment of the business, and since for the most part guys are picked as the replacements, achievement of organizations is attached with male figures. This source further clarifies that the purpose behind the limitations for female work is because of sexual orientation inclination, where the abilities of females are disregarded. The girls of forerunners feel like they are less obvious when contrasted with their siblings, which inspires them to accomplish more to show their capacities to their folks. Landmann utilizes an examination dependent on 40 meetings of Californian privately-run companies to assess the possibility that the administration capacities of the family’s little girls are consistently underutilized in spite of them having legitimate administration experience and instruction, and consequently they need to persistently demonstrate themselves to be capable specialists. Dr. Andreas Landmann is the lesser Professor of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen Faculty of Business and Economics. Landmann examined financial aspects with an attention on improvement financial matters and applied financial aspects at the University of Mannheim and at the University of Toronto. He finished his doctoral examinations at the University of Mannheim. Landmann was likewise an exploration individual at the Paris School of Economics in France, and as of now fills in as an assessment master in German improvement ventures. This source is tenable in light of the fact that the Landmann is an essayist who behaviors research upheld by different examinations, which he additionally references in the content to demonstrates and set up his announcements and cases, while all the while backing them with numerical information. This source was picked in light of the fact that I think that its fascinating how even in privately-owned companies if another CEO must be picked it was frequently the male beneficiary that got the position as opposed to any female who was similarly as qualified, and now and then even preferred choice to have that position. This source truly shed a light on how various pieces of the business world have comparable and various perspectives on why such sexual orientation holes exist and how they influence female CEO, and initiative situations in these individual organizations and organizations on an a lot more extensive scale, and what this implies for ladies and men right now and later on. This source is useful with my examination in light of the fact that Landmann further separates the general thought introduced by Ahrens about the reasons for sexual orientation holes in CEO positions of authority and spotlights on the issues that female CEOs in influential positions f>
This page of the article has 2501 words. Download the full form above. Female portrayal versus male portrayal across society has been a progressing, and pervasive issue for a long time. The sexual orientation wage hole and occupation segregation among females and guys has been and keeps on being an uncertain issue that doesn’t appear to vanish at any point in the near future. In spite of the fact that forward leaps in ladies’ jobs have been made, the norms in the public arena that ladies keep are still a long way from the guidelines that men achieve. Throughout the years this sex hole issue has been unmistakable in CEO positions of authority. Another NBC news story named, “Female CEOs made progress in 2018 yet at the same time trail their male friends”, expresses that even the country’s greatest organizations contained a hole among ladies and men in the C-suite positions which stays to be amazingly articulated. Less than 5 percent of the Fortune 500 organizations are controlled by ladies and these equivalent organizations, indeed, really observed a 25 percent drop in female CEOs in the previous year. The writer of this article, Martha White, depicts that regardless of this, there has still been headway in the portrayal of ladies over the field. White clarifies that the yearly ladies CEO report demonstrates that more than 22 percent of new CEO positions were filled by ladies, and just in the previous year 175 ladies supplanted male CEOs, and 89 ladies had supplanted past female CEOs. Ahrens, Jan-Phillip. “Sexual orientation Disparity in the C-Suite: Do Male and Female CEOs Differ in How They Reached the Top?” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 9 Oct. 2013. This book, composed by Ahrens, depicts the shortage of ladies in CEO positions the nation over and represents that the quantity of ladies in C-suite organizations is gradually advancing. The source depicts that numerous authority positions are given dependent on scholarly isolation of sexual orientation. Because of this, there is an absence of decent variety in authority positions in many led contemplates. Ahrens further clarifies that the purpose behind the distinction in the male to female CEO proportion is on the grounds that compelling initiative is regularly characterized by the capacity of specific people to impact gatherings of individuals. On account of ladies, ladies’ capacities are believed to be constrained from impacting various kinds of practices onto gatherings of individuals. Ladies can here and there be viewed as excessively female in their administration positions or appear to be viewed as excessively manly, which further dissuades their capacities to maintain such initiative positions. Capital can likewise restrict ladies, in light of the fact that numerous ladies needs experience which can cause misfortunes in their professions, restraining them from further advancing in their vocation ways. Since there is no real proper procedure for recruiting individuals in these positions, Ahrens portrays that numerous businesses use generalizations and individual predisposition in choosing who gets the authority positions, and in this manner females don’t wind up having the option to get equivalent chance to men. These ladies additionally don’t frequently prevail in these positions since they are constantly given hazardous administration positions since they are “seen” to deal with high emergency circumstances superior to guys as apparent by numerous businesses. This source is believable in light of the fact that it gives numerous wellsprings of where the measurable data is originating from and was composed by a solid author who has done a lot of examination on this theme. Jan-Philipp Ahrens got his doctoral qualification from the University of Mannheim and finished the Berlin Doctoral program of Economics and Management Science. Ahrens then joined the German Federal Ministry of Finance in Berlin as a political counselor in business rebuilding. Ahrens expositions and articles have numerous worldwide friend checked on grants, and he has composed numerous articles about business administration and the executives. This source was picked in light of the fact that it states with data and validity, why there is such a contrast between the quantity of guys and female CEOs. This source is useful in light of the fact that it shows instances of how female CEOs are getting rewarded uniquely in contrast to male CEOs, and how they are seen by others impacts how far they can reach in such authority positions. This book adds to the possibility that females are in reality rewarded diversely in CEO authority positions and clarifies how ladies are intentionally denied the capacity to develop and assume the obligations of a CEO, in light of on their sexual orientation, and their sex generalizations. Ahrens analysis and instructive book helps my examination since it gives numerous subtleties and the conceivable various reasons that answer my inquiry with respect to why there exists radically such a large number of less females in CEO initiative situations than guys, and how these jobs are changing as time advances. Headley, CW. “Study: Women CEOs Are More Likely to Face Termination than Men.” Ladders | Business News and Career Advice, Ladders | Business News and Career Advice, 1 Feb. 2019. Headley portrays that somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2014, an examination distributes by Journal Management expressed that there had been 641 CEO excusals and out of those ladies CEOs were 45 percent bound to be excused than male CEOs. Headley clarifies that the two guys and females were terminated if the organization was not performing great however when the organization was performing admirably more ladies CEOs were reliably excused. A portion of the reasons that ladies were seen as excused more was on the grounds that they were supposed to be excessively scary, forceful or bossy. Most female CEOs are not enjoyed by organizations and in this way they are consistently in risk of losing their positions as CEOs or in high positioned initiative positions. Headley is a correspondent who utilizes current investigations to discuss the common issues in the sex hole that female CEOs face when contrasted with male CEOs. Headley has composed various articles which have been checked on about sexual orientation and compensation hole. This source is dependable in light of the fact that it legitimately connects in contemplates used to legitimize significant focuses. Headley utilizes new examinations to talk about and notice why female CEOs are in danger more than men and how that assumes a job in why there are more male CEOs than female CEOs and females in administration positions. The perspectives in this article associate with the perspectives in Ahrens article and Mohans article since the two of them likewise depict that one reason that ladies are not as fruitful in achieving CEO initiative positions is because of the way that they are bound to confront end, particularly on the off chance that they are more current to the positions. Landmann, Andreas. “Sexual orientation Preferences in the CEO Successions of Family Firms: Family Characteristics and Human Capital of the Successor.” NeuroImage, Academic Press, 28 Apr. 2015. Landmann clarifies that in American Family Businesses, female administration levels are still moderate and a minority, yet their portrayal as CEOs in privately-owned companies has expanded throughout the years. The diary portrays that in 2010 the American Family Businesses Survey featured that female authority is gradually getting predominant in family firms. The review likewise expressed that 24 percent of privately-run companies had announced that they had female CEOs and presidents and 31 percent said that they may have a female replacement however, considering the quantity of guys as CEOs in privately-run companies ladies would keep on speaking to a minority. Landmann portrays that ongoing compositions on parental sexual orientation inclinations expresses that the dads despite everything favor their children over their little girls, and in this manner girls are not given such high, or any administration positions in contrast with their siblings. The diary shows that sexual orientation inclinations in privately-run companies prompts the accomplishment of the business, and since for the most part guys are picked as the replacements, achievement of organizations is attached with male figures. This source further clarifies that the purpose behind the limitations for female work is because of sexual orientation inclination, where the abilities of females are disregarded. The girls of forerunners feel like they are less obvious when contrasted with their siblings, which inspires them to accomplish more to show their capacities to their folks. Landmann utilizes an examination dependent on 40 meetings of Californian privately-run companies to assess the possibility that the administration capacities of the family’s little girls are consistently underutilized in spite of them having legitimate administration experience and instruction, and consequently they need to persistently demonstrate themselves to be capable specialists. Dr. Andreas Landmann is the lesser Professor of Development Economics at the University of Göttingen Faculty of Business and Economics. Landmann examined financial aspects with an attention on improvement financial matters and applied financial aspects at the University of Mannheim and at the University of Toronto. He finished his doctoral examinations at the University of Mannheim. Landmann was likewise an exploration individual at the Paris School of Economics in France, and as of now fills in as an assessment master in German improvement ventures. This source is tenable in light of the fact that the Landmann is an essayist who behaviors research upheld by different examinations, which he additionally references in the content to demonstrates and set up his announcements and cases, while all the while backing them with numerical information. This source was picked in light of the fact that I think that its fascinating how even in privately-owned companies if another CEO must be picked it was frequently the male beneficiary that got the position as opposed to any female who was similarly as qualified, and now and then even preferred choice to have that position. This source truly shed a light on how various pieces of the business world have comparable and various perspectives on why such sexual orientation holes exist and how they influence female CEO, and initiative situations in these individual organizations and organizations on an a lot more extensive scale, and what this implies for ladies and men right now and later on. This source is useful with my examination in light of the fact that Landmann further separates the general thought introduced by Ahrens about the reasons for sexual orientation holes in CEO positions of authority and spotlights on the issues that female CEOs in influential positions f>