We can work on Equity and Excellence

View the Mystery Data PowerPoint and read, Equity and Excellence. The data represents support for Gifted Education in America in the twentieth century. Note that support was up during the Sputnik period and down during the Civil Rights movement. The research article further explains how the mystery of support unfolds. What does this pattern of support and disinterest say about educational priorities during the time period represented on the graph and in general?

Sample Solution

As the sole witness, Starr, is faced with the killing by cop of her best friend Khalil and pressured into giving a statement of what had occured that dreadful night. If that wasn’t enough she then faces a jury to testify under Khalil’s behave. This starts the beginning where both her worlds begin to fall apart, for years her parents have sent her to a wealthy, white populated private school but has come home to the hood, a place she’s always known and loved. Her family, Big Mav, a former gang member whose only trying to change his hood and a loving mother whose trying to get out for the sake of her family, have always fought about what is best for the family.. The book title itself derives from a famous quote Tupac always repped, THUG LIFE, known also as The Hate U Give Little Infants F***s Everybody, meaning that whatever society chooses to give the youth it comes back and bites them back, prompting a wild youth with troubled lives that ultimately sets up the book itself. Life has a weird way of working, either you’re born into riches or you fight for it, sometimes even die trying. The Hate U Give is another take into the society that we, the youth, live in today. Taking two perspectives from that of a rich life to those of the everyday hood one, both only trying to get a better life with different types of struggles. The perfect, white skinned, wealthy American Dream that has been already achieved by those of Starrs school is heavily contradicted to the life she lives at the hood, where every kid is a gang banger, drug dealer, with a casket awaiting them till they slip up, wanting to make it out but are stuck due to the system that’s made to keep them down, “Devante, Khalil. Neither of them had much of a choice. If I were them, I’m not sure I’d make a much better one.” (239) Through the beginning of the novel, Starr is faced with confusion and anger that her best friend, Khalil, got involved into selling narcotics only to finally understand his decisions through DeVante, another well described thug. Khalil had no other choice then to begin selling due to the addiction his mother faces, he needed some way to to help pay the bills, food, and other expensive. Many today facing the exact problems throughout our country, choosing between warm water or lights in there household making us wonder how many more of our brothers and sisters have to fall victims to our system for change to be brought upon our communities due>

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