Describe an environmental hazard/ risk in your community identified by the CDC from the National Center for Environmental Health.
Briefly describe one predominate environmental risk or hazard in your community..
Describe the incidence and prevalence in your community, state, nationally, and internationally.
Apply an epidemiological model to explain factors contributing to this problem.
Explain why you chose this model for the condition. (e.g., epidemiological triangle, web of causation, other).
Provide at least one evidence based primary and one secondary prevention intervention for this condition. (Cite source)
Sample Solution
Guides1orSubmit my paper for examination By Nicholas Klacsanzky There are many “isms,” and sexisim is one of the most awful ones. It is regularly discussed corresponding to the work environment, places of intensity, cultural status, and rights. It relates to bias towards a sex in any capacity whatsoever. Be that as it may, these reasons are typically powered by numbness, molding of the brain since the beginning, or being a piece of detest gatherings. Like bigotry, it doesn’t appear as though sexism will leave soon, yet ideally it has declined since old occasions. To comprehend sexism to a more prominent degree, let us take a gander at its definitions and history. The expression “sexism” was begat on November 18, 1965 by Pauline M. Leet at Franklin and Marshall College during an understudy instructor discussion. Leet gave a discourse called “Ladies and the Undergraduate” in which she contrasted preference against genders with prejudice. The key piece of the discourse by Leet was that, “When you contend ⦠that since less ladies compose great verse this legitimizes their all out prohibition, you are taking a position comparable to that of the supremacistâI may consider you for this situation a ‘chauvinist’ ⦠Both the bigot and the misogynist are going about as though every one of that has happened had never occurred, and them two are settling on choices and reaching decisions about somebody’s an incentive by alluding to factors which are in the two cases superfluous” ( In any case, it was not until three years after the fact, on November 15, 1968, that “sexism” was found in print. It was another discourse, put in print in Vital Speeches of the Day, called “On Being Born Female” Caroline Bird. Another definition was given of sexism by Bird: “There is acknowledgment abroad that we are from multiple points of view a chauvinist nation. Sexism is making a decision about individuals by their sex when sex doesn’t make a difference. Sexism is expected to rhyme with bigotry” ( Sexism is a wide term, and has been characterized dependent on different orders. For the most part, sexism is these days characterized as the conviction that one sexual orientation is better than another. It is likewise stereotyping, partiality, and separation dependent on sexual orientation. Regularly, sexism is alluding to considering ladies and young ladies as lesser than their male partners (Schaefer, Richard T.). Inside human science, sexisim is delienated into an individual and institutional levels. Other than at the standard coordinated degree of sexism between individuals, sexism is said to be propagated by social organizations, for example, schools, taxpayer supported organizations, and customs (Schaefer, Richard T.). Then again, inside brain research, sexisim is viewed as negative frames of mind and qualities about specific sexual orientations. Brain science additionally perceives that there is negative and generous generalizations about various sexual orientations (Crawford, Mary). Going to woman’s rights, sexisim is usually characterized similar to a precise persecution of ladies that closures in ladies being hindered. Furthermore, women’s liberation expresses that sexism is a complex of male matchless quality, sexism, and pettiness (Marilyn., Frye). As per ThoughtCo, “A few women’s activists have contended that sexism is the basic, or first, type of persecution in mankind, and that different mistreatments are based on the establishment of abuse of ladies. Andrea Dworkin, an extreme women’s activist, contended that position: “Sexism is the establishment on which all oppression is fabricated. Each social type of progressive system and misuse is displayed on male-over-female control”‘ (Napikoski, Linda). Be that as it may, woman’s rights is frequently refered to as having a more outrageous view on sexism than from sociological and mental purposes of viewpoint. Sexism is an intriguing issue in numerous universal gatherings and between individuals in their everyday lives. Also, there is a valid justification for this: sexism has penetrated our cultural, mental, and scholarly comprehension of sexual orientations. In spite of the fact that sexism is commonly characterized as preference against a specific sex, it has numerous different ramifications as far as history, cultural effect, and mental quirks. References Woman’s rights Friday: The causes of “sexism.” October 19, 2007. Schaefer, Richard T. (2009). Human science: A Brief Introduction (eighth ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 274â275. ISBN 9780073404264. OCLC 243941681. Crawford, (Mary (2004). Ladies and sexual orientation : a women’s activist brain research. Unger, Rhoda Kesler. (fourth ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. p. 9. ISBN 0072821078. OCLC 52706293. Marilyn., Frye. The legislative issues of reality : papers in women’s activist hypothesis (First ed.). Trumansburg, New York. p. 41. ISBN 089594099X. OCLC 9323470.>
Guides1orSubmit my paper for examination By Nicholas Klacsanzky There are many “isms,” and sexisim is one of the most awful ones. It is regularly discussed corresponding to the work environment, places of intensity, cultural status, and rights. It relates to bias towards a sex in any capacity whatsoever. Be that as it may, these reasons are typically powered by numbness, molding of the brain since the beginning, or being a piece of detest gatherings. Like bigotry, it doesn’t appear as though sexism will leave soon, yet ideally it has declined since old occasions. To comprehend sexism to a more prominent degree, let us take a gander at its definitions and history. The expression “sexism” was begat on November 18, 1965 by Pauline M. Leet at Franklin and Marshall College during an understudy instructor discussion. Leet gave a discourse called “Ladies and the Undergraduate” in which she contrasted preference against genders with prejudice. The key piece of the discourse by Leet was that, “When you contend ⦠that since less ladies compose great verse this legitimizes their all out prohibition, you are taking a position comparable to that of the supremacistâI may consider you for this situation a ‘chauvinist’ ⦠Both the bigot and the misogynist are going about as though every one of that has happened had never occurred, and them two are settling on choices and reaching decisions about somebody’s an incentive by alluding to factors which are in the two cases superfluous” ( In any case, it was not until three years after the fact, on November 15, 1968, that “sexism” was found in print. It was another discourse, put in print in Vital Speeches of the Day, called “On Being Born Female” Caroline Bird. Another definition was given of sexism by Bird: “There is acknowledgment abroad that we are from multiple points of view a chauvinist nation. Sexism is making a decision about individuals by their sex when sex doesn’t make a difference. Sexism is expected to rhyme with bigotry” ( Sexism is a wide term, and has been characterized dependent on different orders. For the most part, sexism is these days characterized as the conviction that one sexual orientation is better than another. It is likewise stereotyping, partiality, and separation dependent on sexual orientation. Regularly, sexism is alluding to considering ladies and young ladies as lesser than their male partners (Schaefer, Richard T.). Inside human science, sexisim is delienated into an individual and institutional levels. Other than at the standard coordinated degree of sexism between individuals, sexism is said to be propagated by social organizations, for example, schools, taxpayer supported organizations, and customs (Schaefer, Richard T.). Then again, inside brain research, sexisim is viewed as negative frames of mind and qualities about specific sexual orientations. Brain science additionally perceives that there is negative and generous generalizations about various sexual orientations (Crawford, Mary). Going to woman’s rights, sexisim is usually characterized similar to a precise persecution of ladies that closures in ladies being hindered. Furthermore, women’s liberation expresses that sexism is a complex of male matchless quality, sexism, and pettiness (Marilyn., Frye). As per ThoughtCo, “A few women’s activists have contended that sexism is the basic, or first, type of persecution in mankind, and that different mistreatments are based on the establishment of abuse of ladies. Andrea Dworkin, an extreme women’s activist, contended that position: “Sexism is the establishment on which all oppression is fabricated. Each social type of progressive system and misuse is displayed on male-over-female control”‘ (Napikoski, Linda). Be that as it may, woman’s rights is frequently refered to as having a more outrageous view on sexism than from sociological and mental purposes of viewpoint. Sexism is an intriguing issue in numerous universal gatherings and between individuals in their everyday lives. Also, there is a valid justification for this: sexism has penetrated our cultural, mental, and scholarly comprehension of sexual orientations. In spite of the fact that sexism is commonly characterized as preference against a specific sex, it has numerous different ramifications as far as history, cultural effect, and mental quirks. References Woman’s rights Friday: The causes of “sexism.” October 19, 2007. Schaefer, Richard T. (2009). Human science: A Brief Introduction (eighth ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 274â275. ISBN 9780073404264. OCLC 243941681. Crawford, (Mary (2004). Ladies and sexual orientation : a women’s activist brain research. Unger, Rhoda Kesler. (fourth ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. p. 9. ISBN 0072821078. OCLC 52706293. Marilyn., Frye. The legislative issues of reality : papers in women’s activist hypothesis (First ed.). Trumansburg, New York. p. 41. ISBN 089594099X. OCLC 9323470.>