We can work on enhanced decision-making strategies utilizing the technology life cycle

As a BSN student, you are shadowing a Nurse Informaticist to better understand their role and impact in making healthcare decisions. You have one day in this immersion and will be exposed to several Health Information Technologies and their impact on healthcare decision making. Due to the fast-paced nature of the Nurse Informaticist role, the clinic manager has asked nursing students to come prepared to fully immerse into this fast-paced environment. You received a welcome email for your assigned Nurse Informaticist providing you with her background, but also asking you to spend some time reflecting on your own experience with healthcare technology. Reflect on your experiences both as a client and as a nurse, and how technology leveraged the decisions you have made. She also wants you to think about how technology evolves and its implications for future use.

Your instructor has just released your pre-clinical paperwork, and you have been asked to write a professional reflection in preparation for the next day’s shadowing experience. You must provide detailed responses to the following:

Explain one technology you have used in healthcareExplain the impact of the technology using referenced support with in text citationDescribe how you used this type of technology to support a healthcare decisionDescribe an example illustrating how use of the technology effected your decision makingResearch the evolution of your identified technology using the technology life cycleHow has the technology evolved and where is it heading (past, present, future)?How has this evolution improved healthcare decision making?FormatStandard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)Logical, original and insightfulProfessional organization, style, and mechanics in APA formatSubmit your document to Grammarly to correct errors before submission

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