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Option 3:
Ray Bradburys work was extremely popular during much of the 20th Century and into the 21stCentury. It had enormous influence on our culture. When he passed in 2012, many famous figures made public statements about his influence. These included then President Barack Obama, author Stephen King, and filmmaker Stephen Spielberg. Here is a link to a summary of what they said: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/jun/07/ray-bradbury-influence-barack-obamaMuch of the writers work focused on predicting the role technology would play in our future. In many ways, he was critical of that role.Bradbury short story The Murderer was written in 1953. It is in the week 10 required resources folder as this weeks reading. If you choose this option for this essay, I want you to think about Bradburys imaginary world in this story and the role of technology in our lives. Compare and contrast his 1950s prediction of the role of technology in our lives to what role you see technology playing in our current world. Here are your guiding questions for the essay if you choose this option: Which of Bradburys projections seem accurate or inaccurate? Was his prediction of the future too negative, too positive, or about right? Use examples from your own life experiences and observations alongside examples from his story to illustrate your points.

Essay Structure: Introduction (1 Fully Developed Paragraph) Your introduction should give an overview of the topic. It should then gradually lead to your thesis statement, which should state which of the works of literature you will be discussing throughout your essay.
Body (Minimum of 3 Fully Developed Paragraphs with Topic Sentences)The body paragraphs of the essay should discuss in detail the literary works you have chosen to focus on. Use topic sentences to signal to the reader the focus of each individual paragraph. Make sure each paragraph stays tightly unified around the idea established in the topic sentence. Use some direct quotations from the literary works, but avoid quoting too much. Use concrete and specific examples from the literary works and your own observations to help illustrate your points. Conclusion (1 Fully Developed Paragraph) The conclusion should summarize your big points and leave the reader with something to think about regarding your topic. Click Here for a Short Video on Essay Structure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kI837Rth-M

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