We can work on Enabling Action

A) Consider the four main barriers that often need busting as described on p.118 -120 (Structure, Skills, Systems, Resistant Leaders and Managers) for the workplace/organization/association you selected then identify what obstacles need to be removed and describe how you might go about removing them. (see attached the pictures four main barriers (Structure page 1 and 2 )

Identify how you might apply Assessment Tool 5-1 Stakeholder Behavioral Map on p.123 to evaluating the specific behaviors of those involved in the change initiative.(See attached the picture Assessment Tool 5-1 )

Identify two of the eight methods described in Encouraging Risk Taking and Innovation on p.124 that are the best fit for your organizational culture, explaining why you selected each one and and the stakeholder group/s you intend to use it on.
(See attached Encouraging Risk Taking)

Sample Solution

as well as consequences of obesity. A detailed history should be obtained regarding the onset (infancy/childhood), duration as well as the rapidity of weight gain. Infantile onset of obesity points towards a possibility of monogenic obesity. A recent increase in appetite with rapid weight gain could suggest and intracranial mass especially if it is associated with headaches or visual disturbances. Antenatal history and Birth weight are important in predicting the risk of complications. Children born small/large for gestation and those born to mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus have a higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. History of developmental milestones may give a clue to the cause of obesity eg. Delayed motor milestones, feeding difficulty in infancy followed by a voracious appetite may be suggestive of Prader-Willi Syndrome. Family history of obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia should be obtained. History of intake of antipsychotics, anti-depressants or long-term corticosteroids should be obtained as they lead to weight gain. Polyuria, polydipsia and unexplained weight loss may suggest onset of diabetes mellitus. Scanty and Delayed or missed periods in girls with or without hirsutism may suggest the presence of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD). Enquire about excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring and morning headaches for obstructive sleep apnea and knee or hip pain for Slipped capital femoral epiphyses. History of dietary practices, TV/screen viewing duration and physical activity may give some insight into the cause of weight gain. Majority of parents of obese children feel tha>

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