We can work on Empathy map

To create your Empathy map, simply draw four quadrants on a piece of paper. Each quadrant represents a different aspect of yourself, the quadrants are as follows;

Seeing; The See quadrant explores what you see from the situation and how that impacts what you then do.

Doing; The Does quadrant explores the actions the Individual takes

Thinking; The Thinks quadrant captures what the Individual is thinking throughout the experience

Feeling. The Feels quadrant is the Individuals emotional state

Next, consider the following case study of Rosie and her family, explore the emotion in you. In each quadrant, write down the relevant aspects of each perspective. Your word count for this assessment is 500 words. Whilst APA referencing is not required for the purpose of this assessment as this work is based on your own personal knowledge you are required to submit a Bibliography which is not included in your word count. 

Case Study

Rosie is a 28-year-old single mother to Sam, her 6-year-old son. Sam was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma which is a form of cancer that is made up of cells that are found in nerve tissues of the body at the age of 4 and has been receiving a variety of known treatment options throughout this time inclusive of Chemotherapy which Sam is currently undergoing. Rosie has no current contact with any of her family members due to her traumatic childhood.

This has been a long journey for their family and Rosie has consistently struggled with watching Sam decline health wise throughout treatment and constantly analyses Sam’s quality of life. Sam cannot play sport of any kind, at times due to his level of unwellness he cannot hold a book at bedtime, he has not commenced school due to his treatment therefore has minimal friends to support him throughout this time period. Sam became extremely unwell during his last round of treatment which again provoked Rosie to assess how this medical intervention was helping her son.

Following Sam’s last round of treatment, scans took place which concluded the Neuroblastoma had again spread throughout Sam’s body however Doctors were confident that Sam would be eligible for a new drug trial. Following Rosie’s assessment of Sam who is undernourished and unwell from the impact of chemotherapy she has declined any further treatment for Sam and has requested support to prepare for Sam’s death with the inclusion of the Palliative care team.

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