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Faculty Time Allocation

Offer the thesis of the piece

Faculty Time Allocation (Milem, Berger, Dey)

Faculty (advocates) – rely heavily on Milem et al.

  • What are the big picture changes in faculty time allocation over time?
  • What is institutional isomorphism? What do you see as some potential ways to reject the logics on isomorphism?
  • Policy: Identify a policy solution you as student reps would want to see enacted to address the budget cuts that provides the least amount of harm to your interest group.
  • Strategy: What kind of institutional power/leverage do faculty advocates have?

You need to answer the following questions:

(a) What policy position(s) you want to advance? and

(b) What are the strongest argument(s) to support your assigned group’s position?

(c) Please take notes on your answers in this document (below) as your group formulates their opinion

Role Playing: Community Forum

(Me: pretending to be Bobby) Going into next academic year, , and next fiscal year, we will have to reduce spending by approximately 3% across the board. The purpose of this public forum is to allow different interest groups to offer solutions as where would be the most effective/least painful areas to cut balancing our goals of being a premier research institution that offers a world-class education to its undergraduate and graduate students – preparing everyone for the fourth industrial revolution.

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