We can work on Earth as Sacred

In 300 words or more, discuss “Earth as Sacred.” Choose a tribe of your interest to provide examples.

Sample Solution

According to CHRI and KHRC (2006), the idea of a reformed police service was boosted in early 2000s when civil societies ,human right activists, the general public and the International community decried the high level of insensitivity and high handedness that the police force used when dealing the public. After the promulgation of the new constitution and the merger of Administration Police and the regular Police ,the government embarked on an ambitious plan of redesigning the two services which included redefining their responsibilities and duties. The Kenya Police department in general and specifically the Administration Police Services is generally perceived to be resistant to change and cling to outdated organizational cultures that hamper progressive change initiatives within the service. Some of the recognized challenges include poor technology ,poor governance structures ,rigid and outdated organizational culture ,lack of proper communication on change management ,bureaucratic organizational structures ,lack of committed leadership to initiate and steer the change process in Administration Police Service (Amnesty International,2013). The Administration police services are currently facing many challenges emanating from the internal and external environment. The reform process looks impressive on paper but in practice there remains a lot of ground to be covered. For instance, operationalization of the merger between the Administration Police and the Kenya Police is yet to materialize. The units remain distinct in the following areas: police patrols, manning of roadblocks, traffic management, operational bases, uniform color, vehicle color, mission statements, recruitment procedures, promotion among others. The Kenya Police and Administration Police continue to operate as independent units, and even the appointment of County Commanders has not served to improve coherence in the services as each service continues to use its old command. The resistance to the merger is stronger on the ground as each service claims to be superior to the other (KNHCR &UNCHRP, 2015). The above shows that although National Police Service reform is ongoing, there is little that has been done to enquire how it influences the transformation and performance of National Police Service to the citizens of Kenya. The Administration Police Service has gone through a process of transition from a force to a service. The question is even as the Administration police services tries to transform from a force to a service, it has not achieved the desired changes. It is on this context therefore that the study seeks to determine the effects of change management strategy on service delivery in the Administration Police Service in Kamukunji Sub County, Kenya.>

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