1.The Scriptural doctrine of God centers on his character and actions in relationship to his people. Above all, God’s relational character as evidenced in Scripture sets him apart from the gods of other religions. Consider one of God’s incommunicable attributes (omnipotence, omniscience, etc.) and one of his communicable attributes (mercy, love, etc.) and reflect on what it means for God to be omnipotent and just or omniscient and loving at the same time. These are just examples. You can choose any incommunicable attribute of God and pair it with any communicable attribute.
The doctrine of the Trinity is the most distinct teaching of the Christian faith. Briefly mention an early Christian heresy and modern ways God’s Trinitarian being has been misunderstood at the popular level within the church. Then provide some Scriptural reflections correcting the heresy mentioned and its modern permutations.
2.The doctrine of the Trinity is the most distinct teaching of the Christian faith. Briefly mention an early Christian heresy and modern ways God’s Trinitarian being has been misunderstood at the popular level within the church. Then provide some Scriptural reflections correcting the heresy mentioned and its modern permutations.
3.Prayerfully consider a time in your life when you have either doubted God’s existence or became angered or frustrated with God. Reflecting on your study of the doctrine of God you conducted this week, how might you counsel another believer going through a similar dilemma?
4.Given the unity of the physical and spiritual makeup of human beings, which do you think best explains the composition of a person, dichotomy or trichotomy? Provide biblical arguments for establishing your position.
Theological Journal
(Revelation Of God)
This assignment gives you the opportunity to journal about key theological themes in a way that allows for creative exploration of your own thoughts concerning Christian doctrine and its value for your life and the church. This theological journal focuses on the main themes of two topics covered thus far: the doctrines of revelation and of God.
For this assignment, you will utilize the journal document entitled ”HTH-515-TheologicalJournal-1-RevelationandGod” containing the questions and activities you will need to prepare on your own. These journals are not group activities, as each student will be expected to submit personal theological reflections that arise from his or her own understanding and conversations with others. Theological journals will interact with material from course lectures, textbooks, and the ongoing theological discussions in the course. Each question should be answered in at least 150-200 words.
Grading and Submission Guidelines:
Full credit for this and other theological journal activities will depend on the following:
1.Full responses to every question/activity in the theological journal
2.Thoughtful, personal, and creative responses signaling more than merely filling in blanks
3.Critical engagement and reflection demonstrating your theological growth
Prepare this assignment by responding to the questions/activities in the Theological Journal document.
While Turabian format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using Turabian formatting guidelines, which can be found in the Turabian Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.