We can work on DIT Effectiveness of Public Relations & Professional Ethics Code Essay – Assignment Help

I’m trying to study for my Social Science course and I need some help to understand this question.

The essay title is:

Discuss the effectiveness of codes of conduct / codes of ethics in the public relations industry.

You should refer to two different codes of conduct / codes of ethics e.g. the CIPR, PRSA, CIPRA or IPRA codes.

Topic: Analysis of the Effectiveness of
Public Relations Professional Ethics Code (refer to PRSA and IPRA) (need to have strong argument)


1. Overview of public relations professional ethics

a. Definition of public relations professional ethics

b. The connotation of public relations professional ethics

c. The characteristics of public relations professional ethics

d. The scope of adjustment of the public relations professional ethics code

2. Achievements in the construction of professional ethics in international public relations

3. Problems and causes in the construction of professional ethics in China’s public relations

4. Suggestions on strengthening the professional ethics of public relations

5. Summary

Format: 12 point font

References: use Harvard style, at least 15 references

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